Install 13 Cups of Coffee

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (13 Cups of Coffee) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select 13 Cups of Coffee from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

13 Cups of Coffee Version 3.0.0

created by Coffee_nutz on Minecraft 1.7.10
Welcome to Coffee_Nutz "13 Cups of Coffee Mod Pack". First goal wass to stay in a 13 Main Main window. This changed yet I kept the name since I have 13 main players on my server. This Modpack is full of deadly mobs, castles, magical/steampunk city advancements with a focus on expansion not rushing to endgame but building and empire instead. You'll find the level playing field where outgearing and being rambo just wont cut the mustard however teamwork is a big focus. You'll need to take your time mining and dealing with the world and enchanting for true power. Plus as a bonus plenty of enviromental hazards added free of charge...

For servers I'd reccomand Hunger Overhaul w/ Pam's if you want complete struggle, I am cutting thosn the final product in order to have more building fun and less overall strife.

Current Modpack List

Client Side Improvements

1. Damage Indicators

2. Journey Map

3. In-Game Wiki

4. Inventory Tweaks

5. WAILA (w/ TiC Tooltips)

6. NEI (/w add-ons)

Creatures Enhancements & World Enhancement

1. Ender Zoo

2. Zombie Awareness(placed on crack setting :P)

3. Biomes'O'Plenty

4. Natura

5. Twlight Forest

6. Weather Mod

TECH Mods (possible final add in Railcraft for steel stepping block, and or Buildcraft)

1. Steamcraft 2

2. Ender I/O

3. Thermal Expansion/Foundation/Dynamics (Some or all might be removed)

4. Big Reactors

5. Minefactory Reloaded

6. Compact Machines

7. Marineculture

8. Metallurgy (May of may not stay in mainly in here as extra metals for tinkers)

9. Glenn's Gases

10. PneumaticCraft

11. Computer Craft

12. Extra Untils

13. Open Computers

14. rfTools

15. Applied Energistics 2


1. Blood Magic

2. ARS Magic 2

3. Botania

4. Witchery

5. Thaumcraft

-with lots of add on support

-Tainted Magic

-Forbidden Magic

-Thaumic Revelations

-Thaumic Expansion

-Thaumic Energistics

-Thaumic Tinker

-Thaumic Infusion

AND LASTLY the rest of the Mods

1. Tinker Contruct w/ Iguana's Tweaks

2. Adventure Back Packs

3. Iron Chests

4. Storage Drawers

5. Torch Levers

6. Technomancy

7. Open Peripherals

8. Apple Core

9. Extra TiC and AOBD for more conversion

Things may of may not stay in this modpack until I finalize it around August 1st

Things that might happen is i'm working on the metal progession path. I might add Railcraft and force steel to come from the Blast Furnance Making Tech Slower and having Ender I/O use steel frames. Also the Ender Quarries and if Buildcraf gets added then the Quarries will get turned off. Forcing players to either use Tinkers/Thaumccraft/Tunnel Bores or Computer Craft to farm things forcing a big build on players part. They goal is to build factories not cubbie holes in order to mass produce. Also Metallurgy is mainly there to make ores more sparatic and so you'll have to use tools more effiecently and grow attach to them more. All in all its a deadly world and I havent even finished with mobs for the pack... Oh and theres the weather to deal with as well... Nothing like a tornado in your corn field.

Latest Update

Pack link back working