Technic News

How To Install Packs


We hope that you're enjoying the new launcher and platform, but some users have been a bit confused about how to install packs now.  There's no big "Add A Pack" button in the launcher, and that's causing some confusion.  Over the next couple days, we'll be improving the way the launcher directs you to install new packs, but in the meantime, here are the three ways that you can install a modpack on the Technic Launcher.

Search For It

The search bar on the left side of the launcher can be used to find the packs your heart desires.  Just put a single term and the best packs of the platform that match will be brought to your launcher.  Don't see what you want?  Click the "Find more" link at the bottom to see more results, and use the second installation method.

Searching For Packs 

Install From the Platform

Are you already at the Platform page for the pack you want?  With your launcher open, click "Install This Modpack".  It will be added to your Launcher!  It's magic.

Install This Modpack

Or, If All Else Fails

Just about anything can be put into the search bar, and the launcher will do its absolute best to turn that into an installed pack.  Got a Platform API link?  That'll work.  Almost anything will work, and we hope you'll use this advice to try out lots of packs you haven't seen before.  Have you seen Trending Modpacks?  You can see it by selecting Browse Modpacks from the Discover menu at the top of the Platform, and it's a great way to discover cool packs you haven't heard of before.  It changes all the time!

So enjoy the new Platform and give the new launcher a spin.


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None of these solutions seem to work. If anyone can help, that would be great!
an_owl1 9 years ago
None of these solutions seem to work. If anyone can help, that would be great!
an_owl1 9 years ago
It would be nice if it actually worked. I've been trying for half an hour to download a pack and none of the options are working. The search can't find anything, the Install This Modpack button does nothing on the website, every time I type in the API in search it tells me it's broken. I liked the old copy and paste method better it worked and I didn't have to jump through hoops to get a new mod pack.
Murinae 9 years ago
i cannot get any of these three ways to work
arcturusarryon 9 years ago
its so hard to get viltz
striker0065 9 years ago
AlPhA ZaS 9 years ago
Sorry I don't speak that language try typing in english next time (if possible and no offfence)
Posted by thatfluxxedguy 9 years ago
When i try to download it from the website all it does is copy it to my clipboard and not download it on my launcher
PayneKnight 9 years ago
and when i copy and paste it to the search bar it says "broken API link visit the platform"
Posted by PayneKnight 9 years ago
pls help
Posted by PayneKnight 9 years ago
same think happening to me, how can i get this working?
Posted by Rodrigo6 9 years ago
same here
Posted by Teddy14053 8 years ago
i want to know how to MAKE packs not down load them
isquide 9 years ago
These links should help you out a bit they did a lot for me
Posted by whitepyros 9 years ago
Whenever I go open technic, it says that it cannot be opened on my macbook air because no application can open it. And whenever I try and download a mod pac, it keeps on copying the URL. Please fix this problem. Reading what others have commented about, please bring back the old one. At least make the old one have the new launcher
RavenMiyuki 9 years ago
Are you sure you download the TechnicLauncher.jar file? Try going to and download the .jar file.
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
Try getting adobe flash player
Posted by Mastercrafter587 9 years ago
lucky blocks isn't working and it says copy to url but I see it lucky block and then I install it then it like refreshes the technic launcher and it doesn't play :( I need help pls
raffie6 9 years ago
That is a problem with a mod or modpack, not technic. Are you trying to use a modpack or install mods into the vanilla part on technic?
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
lucky blocks isn't working and it says copy to url but I see it lucky block and then I install it then it like refreshes the technic launcher and it doesn't play :( I need help pls
raffie6 9 years ago
Lucky blocks doesn't have the fix to allow java 8 users to play. I've notified the author, so hopefully that will happen soon.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
lucky blocks isn't working 4 me
raffie6 9 years ago
It's so much easier now, thank god!
StormCrow1770 9 years ago
when i installed The mincraft assets part takes an eternity and stays at 2%
Themadshadow 9 years ago
Could you open an issue in the tracker to make it easier to help you?
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
Love how every "upgrade" which is more like a downgrade doesn't even fix anything
Lachie1770 9 years ago
ye the old was better why not add the new features to the old one like the search box and all the modpacks to the sides then make a whole near launcher which doesn't work for most people
chopchop15 9 years ago
This new launcher is the worst, The old one hmm what was the word? oh yea IT WORKED! Unlike this... Nothing works now...
Lachie1770 9 years ago
Could you go into further detail about the problems you're encountering?
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
He Means The Mac Download Doesnt Work Or Wont Launcher Modpacks
Posted by chopchop15 9 years ago
the old one was way easier to navigate your way through.
Posted by zac1228 9 years ago
All works for me... I dont know about you.
how do you log in to technic launcher, it says invalid username or password
dasherkmk0628 9 years ago
Are you sure you are using your MOJANG username and password?
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
For me, I had to use my e-mail and password that I used for my vanilla MC, for example: [email protected] and for the password is whatever your MC password is. Hope I helped C:
Posted by JadeHarleyHomestuckers20145 9 years ago
How do i download the old one??????? its better
SappyKing 9 years ago
How do i download the old one??????? its better
SappyKing 9 years ago
Sorry, you must use the new launcher.
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
JDPiz 9 years ago
Posted by Leanna_B 8 years ago
if i launch it opens a different minecraft (instead of the one i purchased on minecraft) with a one that i dont know) and what do i do next do i need forge!! Also how do you run the mod?
bklug21 9 years ago
if i launch it opens a different minecraft (instead of the one i purchased on minecraft) with a one that i dont know) and what do i do next do i need forge!! Also how do you run the mod?
bklug21 9 years ago
I'm not sure if I understand this, but I'll try to help you. Do you mean that it opens a launcher other than the one that Mojang gave you when you bought Minecraft? That is normal, this is a different launcher. No, you do not need to install forge, installing a modpack will also install forge. Once you install a mod on the technic launcher navigate to the modpacks tab in the launcher, select the modpack you installed, and click "Install". It will then download everything included in the modpack. Note: if you already have installed a modpack the "Install" button will change to a "Play" button.
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
"We hope that you're enjoying the new launcher and platform" not really the old one was more easy to use
DarkAssassin299 9 years ago
i cant figure out how to edit my pack and add the pack art back and why is the browse gone
Posted by DarkAssassin299 9 years ago
There's a pretty big edit button on the right side of the page, and browse is under Discover at the top of the page. I linked to it in the article you are responding to.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
yes it was so much easyer i cant play like 5 games now
Posted by bmarc 9 years ago
yes i see the edit button but where is the place to add the pack art back on the edit page
Posted by DarkAssassin299 9 years ago
You can add pack art under the "resources" tab.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
i keep crashing if i launch my modpack and it says in the crash report that he has not enough memory but how do i fix it
SappyKing 9 years ago
You can up the memory in "launcher options" -> "java settings"
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
i think that everyone who needs this is kinda a idiot because they should be able to use this at the of six
MCmusket 9 years ago
at the age of six i meant
Posted by MCmusket 9 years ago
Thats actually really helpful thanks, but would it be possible to add a way to minimise the launcher when its loading up or downloading updates because its quite annoying trying to do other things while the technic symbol is right in the middle of the screen.
whitepyros 9 years ago
Yeah, I think you're right.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
hmm i think the update cannot let me change my skin back
caiuscs 9 years ago
How do you mean?
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago