Technic News

How To Install Packs


We hope that you're enjoying the new launcher and platform, but some users have been a bit confused about how to install packs now.  There's no big "Add A Pack" button in the launcher, and that's causing some confusion.  Over the next couple days, we'll be improving the way the launcher directs you to install new packs, but in the meantime, here are the three ways that you can install a modpack on the Technic Launcher.

Search For It

The search bar on the left side of the launcher can be used to find the packs your heart desires.  Just put a single term and the best packs of the platform that match will be brought to your launcher.  Don't see what you want?  Click the "Find more" link at the bottom to see more results, and use the second installation method.

Searching For Packs 

Install From the Platform

Are you already at the Platform page for the pack you want?  With your launcher open, click "Install This Modpack".  It will be added to your Launcher!  It's magic.

Install This Modpack

Or, If All Else Fails

Just about anything can be put into the search bar, and the launcher will do its absolute best to turn that into an installed pack.  Got a Platform API link?  That'll work.  Almost anything will work, and we hope you'll use this advice to try out lots of packs you haven't seen before.  Have you seen Trending Modpacks?  You can see it by selecting Browse Modpacks from the Discover menu at the top of the Platform, and it's a great way to discover cool packs you haven't heard of before.  It changes all the time!

So enjoy the new Platform and give the new launcher a spin.


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im done with technic and putting up with this crap
AllShallBurn 9 years ago
Alright. Cya! It's not like we have any other platforms like the Technic Platform yet though.... I'm working on one but it takes a lot of work and I'm inexperienced in PHP so I'll probably not be able to beat this platform even if I succeed making my own. It's worth a shot though, eh! :)
Posted by Paint_Ninja 9 years ago
somehow with this update you've managed to break my game again, thank you for making me waste countless hours over and over again.
AllShallBurn 9 years ago
Can't help with no information.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
One thing I've noticed about the comment feature on these news posts is that the oldest comments, not the newest, are the ones that show up at the top. This is confusing a lot of users, and is resulting in said users posting a message multiple times in comment-heavy articles because they think their message is not getting through.
MarsJenkar 9 years ago
there should be a browse feature within the launcher ^^.
SilverDarkBlade 9 years ago
Search isn't enough? :-P
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
mine cant even search it just said that there were no launchers under what I searched
Posted by 1coolvinny 9 years ago