Technic News

Let's catch up! Here's what we have cooking for you!

It's been awhile since you have heard from us. We know how maybe it seems like we aren't here or aren't working on new things but this post is here to clear all of that up! For the last month or so we have been working behind the scenes on new systems to benefit our users, as well as updating some age old systems that desperately needed it. We think we are finally ready to reveal what's coming soon, but first...

Welcome Pyker and Indemnity83

It's been a while since we added to our team, so I'm glad to be able to welcome Pyker and Indemnity83 to the Technic family.

Pyker has actually been with us for a while but we noticed we never properly welcomed him to the team. So now is that chance. Pyker has done so much for Technic behind the scenes it's actually incredible. Pyker's main responsibilities is the Platform code base (really every code base) as well as server infrastructure management alongside GenPage. Major props to those two for everything they do.

Many of you have already noticed that Indemnity83 has been added to the staff list on the Discord server for a while now so this probably isn't a surprise either. Indemnity83 has been an active contributor to TechnicSolder since 2015 and a mod developer too. Some of you have even tested out his development on a Solder fork. He joins our team officially to become the primary developer on the new version of Solder (using his fork as the base) and (more on that later). Everybody give Indemnity83 a warm welcome.

Platform Updates

We have also been working a lot behind the scenes to update the code base for the Platform. This won't have any obvious change for end users but brings the code base up to modern standards and allows us the ability to adapt it more easily as we need to.

Have you noticed how trending always seems to be new modpacks and never ones that have been on the Platform for more than a week? We are working to fix this. The algorithm is being adjusted to try and treat trending as it should be treated. Existing modpacks should be able to trend just the same as new ones.

The above change and many others are being made possible by updating our code base. So you can expect these changes in the very near future!

Solder and

First, a tiny bit of housekeeping. We're officially renaming TechnicSolder to just Solder. Its what everybody called it anyway. But it does mean the names might get a little confusing, our apologies for that.

We already mentioned that Indemnity83 is working on a new version of the open source version of Solder and many of you have possibly tried it out, if you haven't yet give it a whirl. It's not ready for production environments yet but the more people who try it and report bugs the faster we'll get ready for production. There isn't an official release schedule yet, so we'll continue to support the older TechnicSolder system until then.

Now for the exciting part! The main thing that Indemnity83 has been working on behind the scenes is It's a hosted version of Solder; so if you're tired of managing a web server, or always wanted to use Solder but didn't have the access or knowledge to setup your own server, is for you. Our goal is to make easily affordable and easy to use. It will have all the same features as the open source version of Solder.

Our roadmap for the launch of currently has a public launch around the end of May 2018, so we're very close. If you want to get more information, including status updates on development progress and an invitation to our private beta make sure you go over to and sign up there.

We're very excited about the things we have in the works and we hope you are too.

And as always, if you have comments or concerns feel free to leave them below or get in touch with us over in our Discord!


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Thanks fore the hard work this app will revelooshenise my minecraft but i cant seem to work out haw to get it to minecraft i press open into and minecraft dosent come up i have tryed evrything i can think of pleas if you know haw to fix it can some one posed a coment telling me
Leonalalaland 4 years ago
wanna make a yogbox 3.0?
Twirlyworley 4 years ago
i need post your sites
waheeed 5 years ago
cant even create your own modpack anymore its sad
darkystorm12 5 years ago
Hello, uhh ... Thank you for providing such a perfect platform but ... I wanted to know why I can not log in with Minecraft With mods (Original Servers) but with the same account and without mods I can
EnderNekoow 5 years ago
Hello,i just got 1 problem with tekkit.When i want to laucn my tekkit srw it said You dont have enough space,but i got 51gb free space ...Pls Help me
Hello,i just got 1 problem with tekkit.When i want to laucn my tekkit srw it said You dont have enough space,but i got 51gb free space ...Pls Help me
It Wont Let Me Download Packs. HELP
MrAcorn_25 6 years ago
First of all i'd like to say Congrats to Pyker and Indemity83. also i'd like to say that now my modpacks that i dowloaded say i am using 1 gigabytes, that is acurate but why do i need 2GB, WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!
colinxy7 6 years ago
Vilizi 6 years ago
looking forward to it. i just have one thing, i cant download a mod pack that i use to have. it was my FAV. plz help.
DeathReaper4464 6 years ago
all the packs i installed are all gone! WTF
Chaos_Dragon_ 6 years ago
blossom909 6 years ago
did you change your mojang acount?
Posted by colinxy7 6 years ago
some stuff I try to download it never works
legoleo 6 years ago
Posted by DeathReaper4464 6 years ago
Look forward to
CheTian 6 years ago
KerbalFun123 6 years ago
Nice to have you guys back!
DoubleDee_ 6 years ago
Always moving forward, Awesome to hear!
XtCrAvE 6 years ago
The new launcher is liquid ass. Please provide a link to the old one... I HATE THIS NEW ONE... I cant add packs by name or anything... Its terrible... Pack pictures dont show up, there is no downloads, runs, like stats... its horrible... its absolutely terrid... please put it back and dont change again...
SilverHuskey 6 years ago
The launcher has been on this version for nearly 3 years?
Posted by sct 6 years ago | Technic Staff
Sorry no, even longer.
Posted by sct 6 years ago | Technic Staff
Damn, Its been a while
MagicalSword 6 years ago
juicy 6 years ago
I have a concern this is more about the launcher than anything else it isn't a big deal. is there any resolution settings for the launcher? on my screen, its too big and I have to move the window around to get to all the buttons. this has gotten to me a couple of times. the rest of the technic launcher works fine and I hope further success in future endeavors. that goes to the new guys as well. ( and if there is a setting for the resolution then I would love to know how to access it)
Hambodini 6 years ago
If you guys are looking for any more developers (or community managers, to keep the community up to date), I'm up for it! I have lots of PHP experience as well as Node.js, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS experience. I also manage a large company & community, so I have lots of experience in managing users! I'd love to help out with Technic and fix a lot of the (current) front-end issues with the website and more. Can I have an Email or someone I can contact about this?
Posted by RayanRidene 3 years ago
cant wait for it to come out
Cynicalman1000 6 years ago
Thanks guys for all your hard work, I wouldn't have my community without Technic
yepidoodles 6 years ago
Welcome Indemnity83!!
KaWouter04 6 years ago
Looking forward thanks for all the great work and welcome and thanks for your work on Technic Pyker and Indemnity83
runescapejon 6 years ago
Posted by juicy 6 years ago