Technic News

Platform Down Time And You: It's Your Fault (probably)


Platform is a massive smash hit success WAY beyond what we initially anticipated. This is why when the weekend rolls around it collapses under the weight of everyone and their mom getting a sweet piece of this Platform action. Thanks to everyone for exploring the potential of Minecraft and making the entire modding community a better place, even if there are literally millions of you that always seem to want to show your appreciation at the same time on Saturday. 

To that end we have some dramatic changes about how Platform, Solder and the Forums operate. We hope this up-down-wait-its-up-welp-down-again will be crushed soon. Thank you for bearing with us.


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Is this still going on or has it ended?
Dark_Instincts 9 years ago
is this forever or was it temporary
Catbell09 9 years ago
is this forever or was it temporary
Catbell09 9 years ago
And it sucks because my buddy just got his server today
optimusbatchuck 9 years ago