Technic News

Platform updated to 2.0.3

A new update was pushed last night with several improvements and optimizations to make your experience on the Platform a better one.

- NEW: Modpacks using Solder will now show a mod list
- FIXED: Help/Permissions pages now correctly show up when they have content
- FIXED: Modpacks using Solder will now show the proper modpack version and minecraft version in their pages header
- FIXED: Minecraft avatars will now show up properly in the launcher for feed items
- FIXED: Changed OSX link on downloads page to use the .jar download
- FIXED: Linking a new modpack to Solder that hasn't been imported has been fixed and will now link and unlink properly
- FIXED: Users modpack limit no longer counts soft deleted modpacks
- FIXED: Comment replies now show their own reply time instead of their parents reply time

Along with the above changes we have also made several optimizations across the board as well as re-enabled personal dashboards. They should load much faster now!


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čus menujisehonzikmažskajp napiš
Honzik007 9 years ago
how do i update
mdodson 9 years ago
can you update Thermal Expansion to the last version on tekkit lite?
shtain 9 years ago
Ever since this update, my Hexxit client has been hogging all of the 11 GB of memory that I've allocated to it. It has caused my computer to crash already. I changed it from 11GB to just 4 GB and it was stable for a day or two, but the problem still persists. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
branefreez 9 years ago
I'm trying to get into the technic in the program and every time I boot my password for that profile says that is wrong help me plz
In my opinion,the old launcher was better,in some modpacks my skin glitches,hexxit stays with 3 mods,that is really annoying
BlazeKicker 9 years ago
Your skin glitching in some modpacks is not Technic's fault, it is a problem with one of the mods. And when you say "hexxit stays with 3 mods" do you mean it is only loading three mods?
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
The update seems to never end. Every time I click on the Technic Launcher, it begins to update again.
TheModernRoman1 9 years ago
For starters I want to thank all those who update and put together the modpacks I have come to enjoy and used for quite a long time now. Sadly, I understand what was the thought behind the 'updated technic'; but it has been a failed attempt to 'update it'. Normally, I don't like to sign on and register when all I want to do is just use a simple modpack.... However; since the update not only I have been told my computer memory doesn't have enough space, (kinda funny - 4gb should be more than PLENTY) to it not even bothering to install properly. I have uninstalled, disc cleanup, system repair (to remove ANY of the leftover issues I might have) and to date since 4 days ago I still can not access any modpacks from here. While the intent was great - reality is this 'improvement' just plain out right sucks. Could there have been a thought to have a backup program where one can still use the modpacks if the main program gets all screwed up like this? I even went as far as to wipe ANY trace of Technic off my system, then attempt a clean install with my AV shut off (bad idea for sure but I wanted to make sure my anti-virus wasn't the issue) and to date I still can't utilize any modpacks from technic. I just want to either hurry up and fix this C.F. or just go back to old style (at least it worked!)
whodunnit 9 years ago
Computer "memory" is often a confused term. Memory means RAM, not storage, but some think it's the other way around... If you refer "memory" as RAM, then make sure you have Java 64bit. It is a common issue that people use a 32bit browser like Firefox or Chrome when getting Java, which the Java website then provides you 32bit Java. Installing 64bit Java should allow you to use all 4GB rather than being restricted to 1GB. Another issue is Java 8. Java 8 fixed a bug that Forge for MC1.6.4 relies on, causing some modpacks made for Minecraft 1.6.4 to not work. You can temporarily downgrade to Java 7 64bit until the MC1.6.4-based modpack authors install patches for this problematic forge version. You may get it here until they take it down around April: The last problem I've noticed a lot of users having is the "Install modpack" button not working. The solution is to make sure the launcher is open before clicking the button and to make sure that any Adblocking/plugin blocking software is off and Flash Player is on. I hope this helps you and many others resolve their issues. Best regards, - Ninja, author of the CraftMine modpack
Posted by Paint_Ninja 9 years ago
Só funciona com conta original?
BigTed61 9 years ago
Are you planning to add the donation link with each mod registered to solder on the plateform?
philipwtfman 9 years ago
Does This Update Fix Mac?
chopchop15 9 years ago
Fine ... I'm still not able to register myself at the forum because I'd like to report a problem ... since the first update of the launcher the download of my favorite modpack stops random. The console does not plot any error message or anything. I need some support. I tried to register two times at the forum but I didn't get any mail (yes, I checked my spam folder).
TopfMitDeckel 9 years ago
I also am experiencing the issue with registering on the forum. Which modpack is it?
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
Attack of the B-team. Yesterday I tried to download tekkit but same problems :/
Posted by TopfMitDeckel 9 years ago
How long did you wait to see if it would download? And do you know what part it got stuck on?
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
Registering on the forums was resolved, please try resending your email confirmation link
Posted by GenPage 9 years ago | Technic Staff
@genpage, Unless there is considerable time/latency to receive email verifications, they are still not working for me. Bare in mind I am not a new user but changed my email address in my profile. I am checking both possible email addresses including spam folders.
Posted by mine_my_own_bizz 9 years ago
O meu não está mais abrindo o mine ;-;
gustavoctbg2 9 years ago
O Meu tambem não esta Abrindo
Posted by Patrick_marlon 9 years ago
Talking of fixes, we need a way or removing "Resources" like i can only add one not remove them!
simonr2 9 years ago
Good point! I will add that to the list but I can't imagine why you wouldn't want resources.
Posted by sct 9 years ago | Technic Staff
Well its because I added a test image that of my mc character and i don't have a better one to get placed there atm... I see the point of more people want to add than remove but we should have the option :) Thanks ~Simon
Posted by simonr2 9 years ago
That's really nice what url on the solder api do you use to create a modlist with a build ? with "index.php/api/modpack/packslug/buildId i just get the mods slugs, mods version, md5, files url not the full infos of the mods
Neodark7 9 years ago
Put ?include=full at the end
Posted by sct 9 years ago | Technic Staff
I'm getting this when i do that error 500 i want the json of that :/
Posted by Neodark7 9 years ago
I'm sorry its ?include=mods
Posted by sct 9 years ago | Technic Staff