Technic News

Recent update to our official modpacks

Hello everyone! You might have noticed that we pushed out some updates to most of our official modpacks.

A mod was added (Lumy Skin Patch), which brings back your super nice Minecraft skins (and if you play with other people, theirs as well!).

Happy gaming!


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Since I've downloaded this update, pressing play on the launcher causes it to reload without opening the game window. Is this the case for anybody else?
Amphion91 5 years ago
Same, I think it all just broke. I'm running Tekkit.
Posted by Spinbom 5 years ago
I think its just broken. And that when I have nothing to do...
Posted by AsrielMeemurr 5 years ago
strangely the patch worked better when it was added to the mods list but not officially????? hmmm
Posted by DeitySoul 5 years ago
I'm also experiencing this (or at least something similar) and it's stopping me from downloading new mod-packs as well.
Posted by NEADNREWTAL 5 years ago
Help!! Technic wont open any mod packs!! I Will click play and it loads but the game does not pop up! I am super confused And Would like this to be fixed please!!
Posted by Z3lkam 5 years ago
I cant open
Posted by pat1060 4 years ago
same thing with me
Posted by yugipokemaster 4 years ago