Technic News

Technic Platform Infrastructure Blog


As reported in our previous post, we moved a vast majority of our Platform infrastructure to DigitalOcean. We mentioned that this isn’t going to show as a direct change to anything for users, but the Platform should respond more quickly compared to how it has been. The stability of the Platform has also been improved to increase our critical system redundancies and fallover in the event of a critical issue. This means when infrastructure issues happen, you will barely notice them compared to previous incidents! Now, I'll go into more detail about what exactly we've been doing since the changes are not as visible. 

DigitalOcean Infrastructure

Moving to DigitalOcean from our previous host Linode, greatly enabled us to consider new and better solutions for the Technic Platform, the move itself was complex that required us to redo our entire code deployment setup, automated node configuration system, and rebuild our network from the ground up. This took lots of time to stage, plan, and execute with some unavoidable downtime; but we made it happen!

Database Clustering

Previously our database ran off of one massive main MySQL server. While it did its job, issues would arise if the database service needed to be brought down for maintenance or due to an underlying issue with the our providers physical node. This has been replaced with a MariaDB Galera Cluster running in a master-master replication setup. This allows us to bring down nodes at will, without impacting the availability of the data to the Platform and Launcher. Rolling security updates and optimizations are now possible on a more routine basis rather than dealing with the headache of scheduling maintenance for the entire Platform.

You can read more about Galera cluster here:

Error Reporting & Network Metrics

One of the biggest problems was identifying and isolating problems with the Platform. Users report problems daily ranging from the Platform to Solder to the Launcher. We didn't have a great way of cross-referencing ports from users to reproduce and isolate the problems. To help assist us with this we implemented systems to target two key things.

Error Reporting

We utilize a system called Sentry ( that allows our systems to remotely report when a user experiences an error and to log it. We utilize this data to cross-references reports from Users about issues they are experiencing. We've already fixed multiple issues that were plaguing the Platform, unknown to us. These include:

  • Complete overhaul of the email backend (registerations, password resets, etc.)
  • Complete overhaul of our entire web asset system
  • Rewrote Platform  Solder integration
  • More reliable Mod sub-page listings
  • Multiple profile page tweaks
  • and numerous bug fixes...

Network Metrics

The other problem was knowing where traffic was going, monitoring the health of each individual system, and identifying bottlenecks in real-time. For this, we've setup Prometheus ( Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and time-series database. It allows us to export custom statistics from each of our individuals core systems to reference over time. To better track/analyze this data, we setup Grafana ( metric dashboard system that plugs into the Prometheus backend. So examples of our dashboard can be seen below:

Web Performance

One big improvement you might have seen is the improvement of the Platform site load times. As mentioned earlier, we've completely revamped the way we build and deploy our static web assets (CSS, Javascript, Images, fonts, etc) and optimized caching rules to drastically improve load times. These improvements will continue throughout the site as we slowing sweep through and clean up old code.

Status Page

We have a new status page to keep you guys informed about our maintenance windows and the current status of our Platform and its components.

More to come!

We've made great strides over the last couple of months, but this is only the beginning. We have some cool new features that we are excited to share with you soon. We are confident in working on those features now that the Platform is in better shape. Also, I hear that a band of adventures are returning for another grand adventure! 


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I need help with a mod for a modpack I need one for SCP 682
Xela328 5 years ago
nice one
kallolparida 5 years ago
It is been a great visit to know about such a useful technic. Looking forward to check more.
JoePirest 5 years ago
Galera! alguém me ajuda, pois abaixei o Technic mais quando vou entra fala que meu e-mail ou senha estão errados. Oque eu faço??????
AlarkeSz 6 years ago
fedjrgghujrtyiujhru89uhyoih7ytghwcderdfygdsghfkghhghfjnbnbcvnhcjbkhmbvbxchnb xc\zjxv mndlofgt,heiudsfhwesudfrbnsjhcnrvbbfchudygbxcjhusdhb fchejfrdfb34jrehdfvgcbreghyfb
gabrielbento 6 years ago
There aren't that many news anymore.... the latest news is this one but this is a year old too i hope more news will come soon...
Evergo28 6 years ago
lagrafis 6 years ago
I cant download he tech thing
AwesomekillerII 6 years ago
o que eu faso o meu dragon block 1.4.30 csk oque eu faso
heitormazzi 6 years ago
Is there going to be a new official modpack any time soon because I've been having trouble finding a modpack that fits my desired requirements. I did at one point attempt to make my own pack but that didn't go very well as I don't know how to really go about it.
kingtom523 6 years ago
Is there going to be a new official modpack any time soon because I've been having trouble finding a modpack that fits my desired requirements. I did at one point attempt to make my own pack but that didn't go very well as I don't know how to really go about it.
kingtom523 6 years ago
ninjabr43124 7 years ago
Please add more mods
FragBoss478 7 years ago
every once in a while i cant search for modpacks on the launcher.
YOUTUBEJELLY 7 years ago
Very Good
Sarah2407 7 years ago
trying to connect to the server but it says the server is outdated can someome contact me via email and give me the correct server info?
MSJOLanz 7 years ago
Do you have discord or skype? I need to talk to you MSJOLanz
Posted by MaudlinStudios 6 years ago
oque vocês acham de chupar minha rola?
Riic360 7 years ago
meu cu desgraça
_R_E_A_C_H_ 7 years ago
Hey, I'm trying to get Attack of the B-Team, and it's currently on loading Minecraft assets. It's been quite a while and it's only on 5%! Do I just wait it out or is there a way to speed this process up?
Wafflelord11 7 years ago
yup what that guy said
Prestly 7 years ago
Hi, the improvements of the platform, has changed something, because i can't launch any modpacks now. Why is this happening to my computer?
LuffeDeluXe 7 years ago
Kili2020 7 years ago
1 moth ago
vinibarina 7 years ago
1 moth ago
Posted by vinibarina 7 years ago
NO one will ever respod to this, but is this why technik woont work
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla vbla bla bla bla bla bla blça
enzohusti100 7 years ago
VictorioGames3 7 years ago
EarthPlayerJeff 7 years ago
The launcher doesn't work.
sweetan 7 years ago
Glad to finally hear something from you all again! I can definitely tell the website is a lot faster than it was a few months ago. I've also quietly been watching the Solder GitHub page, and it sounds like 0.8 is gonna be a really big step up. Exciting stuff!
jacobgkau 7 years ago
uhhh plsss fix attack of the b-team! its my favorite mod it says I need 2 gb ram I have 8! plsss fix this ):
crazycat299 7 years ago
Here's how to fix your issue: 1) Uninstall all versions of Java on your computer. 2) Download Java *64BIT*, NOT any other download! from 3) Enjoy
Posted by Paint_Ninja 7 years ago