Technic News

Technic Thursday: It's Thursday Now

Where are the packs?  Where are they?

We're waiting on a lot of art that we need to be able to finish the first two packs of the summer.  They'll be out just as soon as we can put them out, we're so sorry that everything's been delayed!

Want to See Something Cool?

We added the ability for modpack authors to set RAM and Java version requirements for their packs!  If you're a modpack author who requires Java 1.8 or more than 1GB RAM, you no doubt get a lot of grumpy users sending you crash logs (or more likely, angry messages without logs).  Well, no longer!  If you specify RAM and Java requirements for your pack, the launcher will guide the user toward what they have to do to run your pack, even if that means intalling a new version of java.  So how do you specify requirements for your pack?

Method 1: Solder or Higher

If you have a recent version of Solder, you've already been able to specify requirements, they just didn't do anything before.  Edit a modpack build in Solder to be given the option to specify a minimum RAM and Java version.  Easy!

Method 2: Don't Have Solder, or Have An Older Version of Solder

If you don't have Solder, have no fear!  You can manually add a file to your modpack that specifies RAM and Java requirements.  Add a file called runData (not runData.txt or runData.dat, just runData) to  your bin folder, next to your modpack.jar.  The inside of the file looks like this:


Instead of 1.6, put whatever version of Java your pack requires.  Instead of 1024, put the minimum MB of RAM your modpack requires (remember, 1GB is 1024MB!)  Once your users get that file, their launchers will understand your pack's requirements and enforce them for you! 

Pretty great, right?!

Launcher Changelogs: v4.308

  • 2.5GB and 3.5GB have been added as memory options in the launcher.
  • The java and RAM requirements specified in Solder 0.7.2 and higher are now respected by the launcher.
  • It is now possible to include a runData file with a modpack manually, so that users without solder can add java and RAM requirements to their pack.

A Big Week for the Platform

If you haven't noticed yet, both stats in the launcher and the dashboard feed are back.  The site is also far more performant than it has been in the past.  This is due to a lot of hard work on sct's part, to bring the platform back from the brink.  A lot of big changes have been made over the past two weeks, and it's just like night and day.  We're even planning on re-adding some features that we removed before the platform launch, such as the ability to like feed items from the feed page!  We hope you enjoy the vastly-improved performance.

That's What's New!

This week might seem a bit boring, since you're waiting for new packs, but these improvements are only possible because some of us have finished our work on the Summer of Technic packs and are transitioning back to normal site operations.  It can be tough to see all this work while you're waiting, but this is actually great news for the upcoming packs, so take some time to enjoy these great quality of life improvements and try out some of our trending packs!  It's easier than ever now that RAM and Java requirements are handled for you!

Join us on reddit, the forums, or IRC and tell us how you're filling the hours!


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{"java":"1.6","memory":"1024"} doesn´t work D:
Phariashi 8 years ago
{"java":"1.6","memory":"1024"} does not work :(((((ä
Phariashi 8 years ago
So this file i need to add is a text file. I just shouldn't name it rundata.txt? I understand the file extentions are hidden on most computers. I just need to understand that this is a text file i'm placing in the bin folder. Unless i remove java or downgrade to a older version is there any way to see if the file i added to my modpack is working?
bad_cholo 8 years ago
How do you test if this works if you have more than the required ram and java?
bad_cholo 8 years ago
How do i change my gb RAM?
DUDE. I love how the technic team said that this is going to be the summer of technic, while there has been no new packs, and every thing has went wrong. there is nothing worse then technic's work process, especially since they said(never said maybe) how new packs will be out by the end of june. new's flash it is august 8th and no progress has been seen. it wouldn't even be that bad, if technic actually kept us updated, instead of keeping us in the dark.
theRobotguyphd 9 years ago
... Its been over a month now, whats next, another month wait? A wait till December? If there are no pack in about a week, your gonna get an angry mob. Thats a warning.
supercooper888 9 years ago
You are now a month late. No new information has come. I now know that technic is sinking into a hole. They make promises they cant keep and then wont say anything.
killerdean13 9 years ago
Maybe we should start a strike?
Posted by Super_Monkey_Dog 9 years ago
Release the packs
Gentouring 9 years ago
and just so you know i don't know computer programming and rocket science and stuff like that so just tell me what to do so i can understand clearly
Skeletonzombie7 9 years ago
Dude, just follow what it says to do. I assume you are using an outdated version of Java/have too little ram allocated. Do a quick youtube search on "on how upgrade java" or "how to use more ram" to figure it out. If it is something more in depth than this, try posting a picture of the problem.
Posted by Racer Delux 9 years ago
it won't work for me can somebody help me it says i need a hole bunch of crap to do it
Skeletonzombie7 9 years ago
why did u have to update Technic launcher whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Skeletonzombie7 9 years ago
onde q eu faço o download
kakashikiller 9 years ago
can i get help. all the new packs say i need the 1.0.8 version or something and i can't figure out how to get it!!! help???
carterlogan 9 years ago
Ok this is kind of off topic but I need help When I download Any mods I cant play them Because The launcher Keeps on telling me To install the mod again and again and again And I do so BUT..................................................... When I install it It asks me TO INSTALL IT AGAIN PLEASE HELP
TNT_Minecraft 9 years ago
Um... the max memory option available to me in my launcher is 1GB. I don't know code, so... Help?
Takata_Cheroki 9 years ago
PS- Yes, I do have the latest Java, in 64-bit. Idk what the heck is wrong, and I can't play any modpacks without crashing.
Posted by Takata_Cheroki 9 years ago
If I don't have solder, and want to set the ram/Java requirements, how would I create the runData file?
Hey guys im new here and can sumone tell me how to download the mods plz. Oh an I all ready downloaded the launcher.
kiki6310 9 years ago
I hate this! it wont let me play any of my modpacks. it says iu need 1.7.10 and at least 3 gb but i can either have 1.7.10 and 1 gb, or 1.6.4 and have 8gb. how can i disable it?
thiscutelab 9 years ago
Never mind. i read first comment
Posted by thiscutelab 9 years ago
michael0515 9 years ago
my stuff is gone if i log in its all gone :(
Wreaka_Man 9 years ago
question why when i open any mod pack past 1.5 in the techniclancher even vanilla on my new computer it crashes nothing opens nothing happens
kodygardner 9 years ago
It's okay. We know that the longer it take's to make the pack the better it's gonna be. So just take your time...but not too long.
Ameliawrites 9 years ago
Posted by jimmys17 9 years ago
would it be possible to implement an option to edit the permgensize in the java args?
profjb 9 years ago
Okay, cool. But...What is this runData "file" exactly? How do I make it? Using Windows 8.1.
DarkMetaknight 9 years ago
Go to %appdata% - roaming - .technic - modpacks - (A mod pack that you want to change) - bin then run "runData" with notepad or something. Change the memory value to 0
Posted by lkk6057 9 years ago
EPIC bro's! Now a few more things I'd like to suggest: *64bit and 32bit checks *If java requirements are not met for the modpack, a link to the Oracle download page be offered. *Potential OS checks? I've had a few modpacks refuse to function on Mac simply because jvm 1.6 was the max version. *Detailed instructions how to implement!
stonerhino 9 years ago
So for anybody who simply do not want to have to deal with RAM gating there is a simple fix to this, simply search your /modpacks/xxx for the RunData file and open with notebook or the like, you should see this {"java":"1.6","memory":"1024"} or similar, simply change the number (in this case 1024) to 0 making it look read as follows: {"java":"1.6","memory":"0"} which should allow you to bypass it easily.
CowsBeFlyin 9 years ago
How do you bypass the java version?
Posted by Meepologist 9 years ago
just set {"java":"1.6","memory":"0"} to {"java":"0","memory":"*insert memory here*"}
Posted by natemet1 9 years ago
I can see this "modpack requirements" thing pissing people off in the near future... Someone has a favorite modpack they play, and then an update ruins it completely with the "Modpack Requirements". That new option is going to go down hill fast...i need to keep my Java 7 32bit and 64bit, or a lot of my shit will break instantly. The GBs update though is genius, but some of us need even more than that. My max RAM i can use is the 3.5 GBs from the update, i can't get any RAM higher than that with my Java 7 64bit. Add a 4GBs, 4.5GBs, 5GBs, 5.5GBs and 6GBs option!!!
Meepologist 9 years ago
Is there anyway to make sure people use Java 1.7.0_67 64-Bit and not 1.7.0_67 32-Bit?
Green_Fox 9 years ago