Technic News

Trending is wonky! Oh no!

Hello folks,

As I'm sure most of you have noticed, Trending is not really trending at the moment. We've noticed the issue reported by our community moderators and have addressed the issue on our end. The situation will need some time, most likely a couple days to resolve fully, for Trending to catch back up. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

We have also be aware of how easily it is for user to "remake" packs to get them to show up as Trending again. We have some ideas on how to improve the algorithm backing our Trending code to make sure it doesn't favor new packs so heavily. Existing packs do have the ability to trend again and we don't want to overshadowed. Refreshing a pack should be as simple as updating an existing pack, not spamming the system with new packs, as this this is against the Modpack Terms.

Most of all, Happy New Year Crafters! We have a lot of exciting things planned for 2017!




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Use login page successfully started the game but failed auth wrote this error and what invalind username or password credentials should I do?
Krisztian0801 7 years ago
that happened to me as well
Posted by tommogaming87 7 years ago
Thanks for the update! I'd just been thinking about this myself. Glad to see people are working on it.
cuttlefish5 7 years ago
Thanks for the message! :D
The trending algorithm really needs to favour *updated* packs rather than newly created packs. Additionally, you should omit packs from the trending algorithm if they lack any form of description or the description is too short (under 100 characters) to help reduce the amount of spam packs showing up there.
Paint_Ninja 7 years ago
I know I built a fairly decent modpack with a lovely stable server attached and the pack was hidden before we were ready to debut ... I unhid and we have a steady stream of new players but I never got the privilege of being on a new modpack page or anything. it is a bummer that we got overlooked! I hope Trending will pick us up to spotlight someday!
Kalleigh6694 7 years ago
You used the wrong form of "to", you should have used "too" but you used "to".
NerdyPacman 7 years ago
You made me look at every "to" just to see everything is normal... XD
Posted by swordmaster1713 7 years ago
too is basically another way of saying also, but at the end. There were no mistakes
Posted by gamesheep3883 7 years ago
Posted by hoomie 7 years ago
There were no mistakes.
Posted by boolonut100 6 years ago
Yay thanks for fixing, Hope you have a nice day!
PhoenixGamingV 7 years ago
Posted by kinha09 6 years ago