Begin Atmosphere Scans:
Scanning Air Blocks...
Atmosphere consists primarily of nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen proportions found to be within standard levels.
Scanning for Carbon Dioxide...
Carbon Dioxide found to be within normal levels. No pockets of Carbon Dioxide exist.
Scanning for Methane...
Methane found to be within normal levels. No pockets of Methane exist.
Scanning for Hydrogen Sulphide...
Hydrogen Sulphide found to be within normal levels. No pockets of Hydrogen Sulphide exist.
Scanning for other gasses...
Other trace elements present in atmosphere found to be at sub-toxic levels.
Warning: Uncatalogued gases exist in localized pockets above sea level. Overall unknown gas frequency at less than .1 PPM. Caution is still advised.
Scan conclusion: Atmosphere compatible with terrestrial life. Colonization may proceed without atmospheric terraforming. Gasses dangerous to extended mining operations not present on planet.
Begin Crust Scans:
Scanning for Iron...
Iron found, 3946 PPM
Scanning for Coal...
Coal found 7287 PPM
Scanning for Gold...
Gold found, 435 PPM
Scanning for Lapis Lazuli...
Lapis Lazuli found, 170 PPM
Scanning for Redstone...
Redstone found, 1337 PPM
Scanning for Diamonds...
Diamonds found, 167 PPM
Scanning for Emeralds...
Emeralds found, 214 PPM
Scanning for Tin...
Tin found, 191 PPM Warning! Tin levels unusually low.
Scanning for Copper...
Copper found, 188 PPM Warning! Copper levels unusually low.
Scanning for Silver...
Silver found, 91 PPM Warning! Silver levels unusually low.
Scanning for Nickel...
Nickel found, 96 PPM Warning! Nickel levels unusually low.
Scanning for Platinum...
Platinum found, 97 PPM Warning! Platinum levels unusually low.
Scanning for Lead...
Lead found, 90 PPM Warning! Lead levels unusually low.
Scanning for Aluminum...
Aluminum found, 89 PPM Warning! Aluminum levels unusually low.
Scanning for Osmium...
Osmium not detected.
Scanning for Uranium...
Uranium not detected.
Scanning for Plutonium...
Plutonium not detected.
Scanning for Yellorium...
Yellorium found, 120 PPM. Warning! Yellorium levels unusually low.
Scanning for Zinc...
Zinc found, 110 PPM. Warning! Zinc levels unusually low.
Scanning for Manganese...
Manganese found, 80 PPM. Notice: Presence of manganese may ease steel production.
Scanning for Certus Quartz...
Certus Quartz found, 471 PPM
Scanning for Nether Quartz...
Nether quartz found, 327 PPM. Notice: Nether Quartz present in overworld! Nether based scans will now commence.
Scanning for Netherrack...
Netherrack found, 1481 PPM. Notice! Netherrack found in small pockets. Chance of nether incursion low enough to be considered safe.
Scanning for Cobalt...
Cobalt found, 3 PPM
Scanning for Ardite...
Ardite found, 4 PPM
Preliminary conclusion: Planet not capable of producing advanced technological infrastructure. Ore frequency between normal and scarce. Colony outlook in danger.
Scanning for Miscellaneous/uncategorized metals and minerals...
5295 PPM, in 38 varieties, 31 of which are uncatalogued.
Previous conclusion amended: abundant minerals detected, including many types unknown to homeworld. Recommended action: Change colonial classification from "Industrial" to "Scientific". Proceed with colonization attempt.
Begin Life-sign Scans:
Scanning for passive life (Cows, Chickens, etc)...
Little passive life found. Passive life capable of spawning, but passive spawns are dangerously below normal levels.
Scanning for neutral life (Wolves, etc)...
Neutral life capable of spawning. Note: Neutral spawns are well below normal levels.
Scanning for hostile life (Creepers, spiders, etc)...
Hostile life capable of spawning. Notice: Hostile spawns are well below normal levels.
Scanning for un-life(Skeletons, zombies, etc)...
Un-life capable of spawning. Notice: Un-life spawns are well below normal levels.
Scanning for unclassified fauna...
Unclassified fauna found in abundance on planetary surface. Unclassified fauna capable of spawning at slightly reduced levels. Recommend research team to investigate.
Scanning for Grass...
Grass found.
Scanning for trees...
Trees found. Ratio of living to dead trees is dangerously low. Most trees in found to be in some form of decay. Few trees remain viable.
Scanning for cactus...
Cactus not detected.
Scanning for melons...
Less than 10 melons detected.
Scanning for Pumpkins...
Pumpkins found. Ratio of living to dead pumpkins is low. Most pumpkins found to be in some form of decay. Few pumpkins remain viable.
Scanning for Mycelium...
Mycelium found.
Scanning for Giant Mushrooms...
Giant Mushrooms found. Ratio of living to dead mushrooms is low. Most mushrooms found to be in some form of decay. Few mushrooms remain viable.
Scanning for unclassified flora...
Many varieties of unclassified flora found in abundantly large quantities. Over 90% of the planetary surface is covered in some form of unclassified flora. Recommend research team to investigate.
Scanning for signs of intelligent life...
Villages found; villagers absent. Other signs of prior habitation include defensive structures, decorative structures, and religious structures. Roughly 3% of planetary surface seems previously developed. All buildings seem vacant of villagers. No intelligent life detected.
Scan conclusion: Planet capable of sustaining planetary life. Recommend reforestation, introduction of terrestrial species, and research of indigenous flora and fauna.
All Scans complete
Final Conclusion: Planet deemed safe, with tolerable atmosphere, abundant resources, and little hostile life. While resources do not support large-scale industrial infrastructure, copious undocumented minerals, flora, and fauna present exciting research opportunities. The Jade Scouting Corps may proceed with planetary exploration immediately.