Install AetherCraft 7

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (AetherCraft 7) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select AetherCraft 7 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

AetherCraft 7 Version 7.6 b

created by Zyratoxx on Minecraft 1.12.2
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Why is my cloud pet randomly disappearing, ive had to go back into backups to get it back and it reset alot of progress. its so annoying,
xPuddlesx 5 years ago
Are there server files posted for this somewhere? (not the world download in the description)
Veylenn 5 years ago
How Do I Run a server on this?
BeanYasone 5 years ago
I got a bronze key from the slider boss and I cant open the treasure chest, i looked it up and teasure chests arent even in the most recent version of aethercraft. It keeps saying you need a key to open the chest but I have the bronze key that I JUST got from the boss
Unostril 5 years ago
ok, I just started playing on this modpack, and I want to know... Why are my tools breaking after two uses?? Like what?? I don't understand why my average diamond sword broke after hitting a zombie twice. There must be something missing because right now I have to hit everything by hand or find it in a chest. Please, can someone help me figure this out? Do I have to change some code or something???
Mudssssa 5 years ago
This is most probably because of Tinkers Construct. If a modpack-creator wants you to us the TC-tools instead of the vanilla tools, you can enable an option which sets the durability of all vanilla tools to zero. Try to use the TC-tools instead, they are better anyway :)
Posted by Oblivo 5 years ago
Is the server still running?
Nanoflight 6 years ago
i cant join the modpack ?
shirley17490 6 years ago

Latest Update

AetherCraft 7 was updated to version 7.6 b