AFLC updated to version 1.7
sorry for you people that used my modpack for 1.19.3 i am sorry to say
but you wont get any updates, this is now a 1.18.2 modpack so if you want to use the modpack for 1.19.3 the latest version is 1.6
(think i listed all but im not sure)
Mods added:
(this does not include server-sided mods)
* AdditionalAdditions
* youre-in-grave-danger
* Adorn
* animatica
* architectury
* balm-fabric
* bettermounthud
* cc-restitched
* cem
* CITResewn
* colormatic
* connectiblechains
* continuity
* create
* culinaire
* CullLessLeaves
* dawn
* disenchanter
* enhancedblockentities
* entity_texture_features
* entityculling
* fabric-api
* fabric-language-kotlin
* immersive-portals
* indium
* InventoryProfilesNext
* Iris
* item-model-fix
* lambdabettergrass
* lambdynamiclights
* libIPN
* modmenu
* optigui
* pinglist
* puzzle
* red-bits-
* redstone-bits
* reeses_sodium_options
* resounding
* RoughlyEnoughItems
* seamless-loading-screen
* simplechunkloader
* sodium-extra
* sodium
* statuseffecttimer
* visuality
* waystones
* Xaeros_Minimap
* XaerosWorldMap
sorry for you people that used my modpack for 1.19.3 i am sorry to say
but you wont get any updates, this is now a 1.18.2 modpack so if you want to use the modpack for 1.19.3 the latest version is 1.6
(think i listed all but im not sure)
Mods added:
(this does not include server-sided mods)
* AdditionalAdditions
* youre-in-grave-danger
* Adorn
* animatica
* architectury
* balm-fabric
* bettermounthud
* cc-restitched
* cem
* CITResewn
* colormatic
* connectiblechains
* continuity
* create
* culinaire
* CullLessLeaves
* dawn
* disenchanter
* enhancedblockentities
* entity_texture_features
* entityculling
* fabric-api
* fabric-language-kotlin
* immersive-portals
* indium
* InventoryProfilesNext
* Iris
* item-model-fix
* lambdabettergrass
* lambdynamiclights
* libIPN
* modmenu
* optigui
* pinglist
* puzzle
* red-bits-
* redstone-bits
* reeses_sodium_options
* resounding
* RoughlyEnoughItems
* seamless-loading-screen
* simplechunkloader
* sodium-extra
* sodium
* statuseffecttimer
* visuality
* waystones
* Xaeros_Minimap
* XaerosWorldMap