Install Amps - Feel the Power!

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Amps - Feel the Power!) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Amps - Feel the Power! from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Amps - Feel the Power! Version 3.1.2

created by xX_CREEPER64_Xx on Minecraft 1.7.10
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what is the server ip??? its not appearing on my multiplayer server screen.
JDAWG1126 6 years ago
The official server has been down for a while because there were not a lot of players (around 2 usually) and it was very difficult for me to maintain. However, if enough people say they want it back I might be able to put it back up again
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Everyone who is using the server please re-download the server files to update to the latest version. Re-downloading should solve the issues many of you were experiencing with the server. All files are preconfigured so they are ready to run, just run the file "Run Amps Server.bat". The files also come with ngrok, a tool that allows you to easily host your server over the internet without having to port forward your router. If you have any further questions, leave your comment in the discuss section. Thank you for your patience and continued patronage of my modpack amid my 9 month absence.
xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago
If anyone has a 24/7 server that they would like to add to the in-game list for all players to see, let me know and I'll add it to the list.
xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago
hi! my friend is trying to load the modpack, but the first time he tried, it crashed while it was loading. the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th time he tried, it loaded all the way, but white screened when it finished. what should he do?
JDAWG1126 6 years ago
Most likely, he doesn't have enough ram selected in his java settings. Tell him to go to launcher options in TechnicLauncher, then to Java settings, and change his ram to 4GB. If that doesn't work, can he send me his game log through I'll take a look and see what went wrong.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
The server isn't working, what do I do?? When I try to enter it it says the mods aren't compatible.
Doctor_Awesomo 6 years ago
The server files have been updated and preconfigured so all you have to do is run "Run Amps Server.bat" in the folder. Please redownload the server files in order to update the server to the latest version. This should fix any problems you are having with the server.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
so i recently got into this modpack with my friends and we all seem to have this problem where fireworks would go off around every 30 seconds. This isn't just from the achievements because i've disabled endercore but these fireworks keep going off. Do you know what mod does this and how to stop it?
randomsorcerer 6 years ago
That would be endercore. I have disabled achievement fireworks due to the extreme lag generated by them for some users in the latest version. Please update the modpack to solve this issue.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
I am having issues with getting the server to work. I tried coppying over the galacticcraft mod packs from the client into the server mod folder to update them, but now the server crashes mid startup. Can someone post a fixed server download?
Vauss 6 years ago
The server files have been updated and preconfigured so all you have to do is run "Run Amps Server.bat" in the folder. Please redownload the server files in order to update the server to the latest version. This should fix any other problems you are having with the server.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
I need the owner of the pack to respond back to me its important regarding the pack add me on discord bigdogdaddy71#8707
Bigdogdaddy71 6 years ago
I have added you on discord if it is a conversation you would like to be private
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hey, awesome mod pack. I tried running a server for me and some friends, any other modpoack works on my pc fine and everyone can join it but for yours i can only join on localhost, do you have any idea why that might be? They just can't find it online. Ports are open all is working for every other pack i try but yours. :(
danforth1325 6 years ago
Your ports may not be properly configured and forwarded. Try using ngrok, it allows you to easily host your server over the internet without having to port forward your router by creating a localhost tunnel. It's like having a lan party over the internet!
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Also, the server files have been updated and preconfigured so all you have to do is run "Run Amps Server.bat" in the folder. Please redownload the server files in order to update the server to the latest version. This should fix any other problems you are having with the server.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Does anyone know a good public server? I can’t find any and help would be appreciated.
rdstone12000 6 years ago
I am currently thinking about possibly rehosting the official server again if enough people want me to. Spread the word if you want it back up again!
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Barring conflicts, Ender IO would be a nice mod to add, and Drakonic Evolution's reactors would be a great fit with the Science and Destruction theme, given their penchant for blowing up in glorious nuclear fashion if not properly maintained.
AJSarley223 6 years ago
Draconic Evolution is included in this modpack already, and Ender IO is excluded due to mod conflicts. However, Thank you for the suggestion!
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
How do I change the server from LAN to WAN? (Trying to use hamachi but it's currently not making a difference)
Oddbobs 6 years ago
You have to port forward the server, or use a vpn like hamachi or ngrok. Ngrok allows you to easily host your server over the internet without having to port forward your router by creating a localhost tunnel. It's like having a lan party over the internet!
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Also, the server files have been updated and preconfigured so all you have to do is run "Run Amps Server.bat" in the folder. Please redownload the server files in order to update the server to the latest version. This should fix any other problems you are having with the server.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Trying to get server to work but I'm not code literate at all, looked at "1) Delete the mods and config folders from the server 2)Copy mods and config from client into server folder 3)remove client side mods from server folder That should make it work." but unsure how to do the 3rd point. Can give crash dump files if needed and am able to talk on Discord to help fix this problem. Plz halp! :)
Oddbobs 6 years ago
The server files have been updated and preconfigured so all you have to do is run "Run Amps Server.bat" in the folder. Please redownload the server files in order to update the server. This should fix any problems you are having with the server.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hello :) I downloaded the modpack yesterday and found out that it`s an great modpack :) I suggested it to my friends and we made out to make a private server on that we could play on. But now there is one problem... the Server download that is given here is kinda bugged.. We can`t join the server as there are FML errors like incompatible FML Powersuit , incompatible FML Buildcraft ect... I tried out the method from GREENINCC "1) Delete the mods and config folders from the server 2)Copy mods and config from client into server folder 3)remove client side mods from server folder That should make it work." But that didn`t worked and we still get errors. We tried out to update the mods manually too , still doesn´t work... So it would be really cool if you could update the Server Download and delete things from the Official Server , I mean like it`s the same folder that you used for your official server and somehow this version doens`t seem to work as it`s broken. Best regards Slowkiller965/Pudding567
Pudding567 6 years ago
Out of interest how does "3)remove client side mods from server folder" fix it, surely both folders will be the same so you cant find which mods are from what?
Posted by Oddbobs 6 years ago
Hello, I downloaded the modpack and server. and then the mods that are not going to be copied from mods clients to server mods. but unfortunately there are some mods that have [items missing] example: buildcraft and other Screenshots: Please update mods and server! Greetings msebastian101
msebastian101 6 years ago
I have repaired all missing textures in the latest version, please update to fix them. Also, server files have been completely reworked and preconfigured. Please redownload the server files in order to update the server. This should fix any problems you are having with the server.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
I am currently playing through this pack with a handful of my friends and we are doing a war... Kind of. And first thing I noticed was that flans seemed kind of broken... As in, there was no way of crafting guns(unless I'm doing something wrong). Also, the next thing is, ProjectE is a really fun mod, but it is extremely easy to become end game and put yourself into what is essentially creative mode. Other than that, the server file needs updated, but if they really wanted to, anyone that downloads it can just update it on their own. Also, mabey go through and change the conflicting key bindings, I don't really know what would be done with that but, oh well. Otherwise, great fun, especially with friends.
greenincc 6 years ago
I am a person Who would play with u this is my friends alt pls add my discord Miner_Games_YT#6665
Posted by prady132 6 years ago
All Flans mod recipies have been fixed, please check the wiki on how to craft guns. I am also working on fixing all emc exploits in the next update so emc farms don't work anymore. Please redownload the server files in order to update the server. This should fix any problems you are having with the server.
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
can you update the server download me and my friend cant host a server and get "incompatible FML powersuits" message :/ plz fix
callawsomelance 6 years ago
1) Delete the mods and config folders from the server 2)Copy mods and config from client into server folder 3)remove client side mods from server folder That should make it work.
Posted by greenincc 6 years ago
add techguns and matter overdrive
bestbatman33 6 years ago
Hey guys i apologize for the long wait I've had a lot of work and projects to do lately and it's been hard setting up the server files but I have it up and running just fine now so ill be posting the server files in the meantime until I get something worked out with nGrok. Thanks!
xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago
Hey guys I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could give this pack a like to help spread the word so our server and community can grow!
xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago
Yo Pro needs server files thanks
Posted by prady132 6 years ago
Server files uploaded, can you check the link to make sure it works?
Posted by xX_CREEPER64_Xx 6 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

Amps - Feel the Power! was updated to version 3.1.2