Install Blightfall

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Blightfall) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Blightfall from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Blightfall Version 3.1.1-CE

created by Talonos on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Blightfall updated to version 2.0.2

Mod changes:
- Upgraded ModTweaker 0.6-0 -> 0.7.1
- Upgraded Requisition Credit 0.45 -> 0.46:
- Cut console spam when Dawn Totem spawns particles
- Dawn totems drop themselves when you break them.
- Fixed silverwood potion crafting recipe. Sorry about that.
- Silverwood potions now destroy tainted blocks. Text in research page changed to reflect that.
- Dawn totem changed to a complicated infusion recipe.

World Changes (Will not affect previous saves unless you use the new world file):
- Decreased max size of iron veins by 1, but increased the number of iron veins by 20%. I think this will cause the same amount of iron to appear, but should make it slightly easier to find.
- Decreased the max size of copper and tin veins by 40%, but doubled their frequency. This should make them about twice as easy to find, but you'll get less on average when you do find them. It's still a net increase to the amount of copper in the world.
- There are now only two manganese veins per chunk instead of five, but the height levels have capped to between 35 and 50. This means it should be waay easier to find. (Previously, the five veins could be found anywhere from 7 to 128, meaning half of them probably wouldn't even be generated.)
- Floaty bits of pillars biome now float because glowstone. Also nodes on top!
- Obsidian tower now much easier to climb due to conviniently placed glowstone showing where the stairs are. All other light sources removed, increasing creepiness by 15%.
- Tier 3 Dark One altar glowstone corners un-pre-broken. Troll beacons left unchanged.
- Research notes hidden in hidey-hole renamed to "Illegible Research Notes"
- +2 rainbow broadsword of instant crashing previously hidden in glacier removed and replaced with suitably epic replacement.

Quest Changes:
- Iron tools quest now repeatable.
- Satchels, tanks, and energy cells in the Engineer questline changed to NBT insensitive variants.
- You can meet Team Omega from either the snow scout location or the pillars now.
- Added three ME related quests (one of which gives you presses)
- Wording clarified in "Mass Stone Sample" quest.
- Floating Island 3 quest now fixed.
- Updated Enderium quest text to reflect Tinker's Construct's recent OreDicting of resonant ender. No magma crucible needed!

Recipe Changes:
- Added Blood Magic recipe for Greatwood
- Added Blood Magic recipe for Shimmerleaves
- Fixed Blood Magic recipe for Ethereal Blooms
- Added Blood Magic recipe for Necrotic Bone
- Added research and Infusion recipe for Wither Skeleton Skulls
- Added research and Infusion recipe for Silverwood Saplings
- Deleted recipe for Blood Altar.
- Deleted recipe for Dagger of Sacrifice.
- Deleted recipe for Sacraficial Knife.
Talonos posted a changelog update for Blightfall 10 years ago


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Umm I don't know if this has to do with the update but I am having trouble with the map aboard the ship. Whenever I log in the map is scanning so I have intense lag and then my game crashes and I can't log back into the world.
Posted by squidkiller1000 9 years ago
So do you have to un-install then re-install to get the new world?
Posted by recneps 9 years ago
how to update ?
Posted by Birthday 9 years ago

Latest Update

Lumy Skin Patch has been updated to 1.0.13 so skins should be working again. Existing modpack builds were updated to the fixed version.