Install Brutalreign

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Brutalreign) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Brutalreign from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Brutalreign Version 2.0.0

created by ThePrimordial on Minecraft 1.12.2
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Hey! The pack seems very interesting, but it wont let me join the server! What's up with that?
_mqcy_ 4 years ago
why do i make such low damage against skeletons and zombies and other monsters? just silver weapons doe normal damage all other does like a fist
EnderFigher1 5 years ago
And also, could you re-add Decocraft? It's a very useful mod for builders like me
KosKitCos 6 years ago
Decocraft was removed due to limitations on our server hardware. It is possible this mod will come back in a future release. I love the building capabilities too!
Posted by thenamesnano 5 years ago
Hey this modpack seems interesting, but could you add Minecraft Comes Alive? I would appreciate it! Thank you!
KosKitCos 6 years ago
Unfortunately, Minecraft Comes Alive is not a mod we wish to pursue. This modpack is entirely constructed around our official server. If you would like to talk more about mods and mod requests, please join our discord.
Posted by thenamesnano 5 years ago
hello your modpack and very good but I would like to see with you if it is possible to install the mod Not Enough Items to get to see the recipes of the items thanks for the attention.
mordecai666 6 years ago
We already have NEI, and have had this mod since the initial release of our modpack. Please check your keybinds whenever you launch a new modpack.
Posted by thenamesnano 5 years ago

Latest Update

Brutalreign was updated to version 2.0.0