Install CAN: Create And Nature

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (CAN: Create And Nature) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select CAN: Create And Nature from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

CAN: Create And Nature Version 3.2

created by Ludio on Minecraft 1.19.2

A Modpack centered around Create and other tech mods with plenty mods for Flora and Fauna. Also Incorporating some mods for you to wreak havoc on your world and unleach chaos!

Originally created to be played with a group of friends, But made public for easy access. Enjoy!

Mod List:


  • Create - simibubi
    • Create Ore Excavation - tom54541
    • Create : Misc & Things - to0pa_fr
    • Create Deco - talrey
    • Create Crafts & Additions - MRHminer
    • Create: Steam 'n Rails - mattentosh
    • Create: Enchantment Industry - dragons_plus
    • Create Stuff & Additions - Furti_Two
    • Create: The Factory Must Grow - Dr_Mango_Tea
  • Lucky TNT Mod (Too Much TNT) - Fleshcrafter_
  • Sulfur And Potassium - BR4NDER5
  • MrCrayfish's Gun Mod - MrCrayfish
    • Additional Guns - AutovwDev
    • Mo' Guns - Bomb787
  • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod - MrCrayfish
  • IC2 Classic - sfPlayer1
  • Mekanism - bradyaidanc
    • Mekanism Tools - bradyaidanc
  • Thermal Expansion - TeamCoFH
    • Thermal Locomotion - TeamCoFH
    • Thermal Foundation - TeamCoFH
    • Thermal Innovation - TeamCoFH
    • Integrated Dynamics - kroeser
  • Applied Energistics 2 - AlgorithmX2
  • Extreme Reactors - ZeroNoRyouki
  • ProjectE - SinKillerJ
    • Expanded Equivalence - Zeitheron
  • Additional Additions - dqu1jjj
  • Quark - Vazkii
  • Iron Chests - ProgWML6
  • Supplementaries - MehVahdJukaar
  • Spice of Life: Carrot Edition - lordcazsius
  • Sleeping Bags - henkelmax
  • Chunk Loaders - SuperMartijn642
  • Bartering Station - Fuzs_
  • Cooking for Blockheads - BlayTheNinth
  • Decorative Blocks - stohun


  • Serene Seasons - TheAdubbz
  • Enhanced Celestials - Corgi_Taco
  • Spelunker's Charm - PrelawAverage5
  • Waystones - BlayTheNinth
  • Continents - Starmute
  • Biomes O' Plenty - Forstride
  • Oh The Biomes You'll Go - AOCAWOL
  • Silver Birch - MuffinsQw
  • Deeper and Darker - KyaniteMods
  • Unwrecked Ships - shadow_of_wights
  • Structures:
  • Dungeon Crawl - xiroc_
  • Dungeons Plus - ModdingLegacy
  • YUNG's Better Strongholds - YUNGNICKYOUNG
  • YUNG's Better Dungeons - YUNGNICKYOUNG
  • YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments - YUNGNICKYOUNG
  • YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) - YUNGNICKYOUNG
  • Awesome Dungeon Ocean edition - jtl_elisa
  • Awesome Dungeon - jtl_elisa
  • Awesome Dungeon Nether edition - jtl_elisa
  • Awesome Dungeon The End edition - jtl_elisa
  • Stalwart Dungeons - Furti_Two
  • Endless Ocean: Aquatic Adventures - theNyfaria
  • Additional Structures - XxRexRaptorxX Mobs:
  • AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs - atomicstrykergrumpy
  • Gnumus Settlement - mongoose_artist
  • Naturalist - Starfish_Studios
  • Capybara - TechSupportRed
  • Wild Lands - superlord_9362
  • Alex's Mobs - sbom_xela
  • Ecologics - SameDifferent
  • Friends&Foes (Forge) - faboslav
  • Guard Villagers - almightytallestred
  • Mob Compack - BottomTextCf28
  • Roamers - kitkait2001 Dimensions
  • Unusual End - Sweetygamer
  • End Ores - rowan662
  • Ender Trigon - nonamecrackers2
  • Endless Biomes - MadoctheHadoc
  • Amplified Nether - Starmute
  • Incendium - Starmute
  • Nourished Nether - MuffinsQw
  • Bygone Nether - izofar
  • Infernal Expansion - InfernalStudios

Tweaks & UI:

  • Just Enough Items (JEI) - mezz
    • Just Enough Resources (JER) - way2muchnoise
  • Chat Heads - dzwdz
  • Xaero's Minimap - xaero96
    • Xaero's World Map - xaero96
  • WTHIT Forge Edition - badasintended
    • WTHIT Harvestability - badasintended
  • Better F3 - chpas_
  • Visuality: Reforged - ChannelingCF
  • AppleSkin - squeek502
  • Mouse Tweaks - YaLTeR
  • CraftTweaker - Jaredlll08
  • Clumps - Jaredlll08
  • Controlling - Jaredlll08
  • VanillaTweaks - StrikerRocker
  • Entity Culling Fabric/Forge - tr9zw
  • Deepslate Dubble - TheluckyguyNL
  • ReAuth - TechnicianLP
  • Fast Leaf Decay - olafskiii
  • HorseInBoat - legosteenjaap
  • Common Capabilities - kroeser

Cores & lib:

  • AutoRegLib - Vazkii
  • Catalogue - MrCrayfish
  • Configured - MrCrayfish
  • Framework - MrCrayfish
  • Hammer Lib - Zeitheron
  • ZeroCore 2 - ZeroNoRyouki
  • GeckoLib - ThanosGecko
  • CoFH Core - TeamCoFH
  • SuperMartijn642's Core Lib - SuperMartijn642
  • SuperMartijn642's Config Lib - SuperMartijn642
  • Architectury API - shedaniel
  • Cloth Config API - shedaniel
  • Citadel - sbom_xela
  • Structure Gel API - ModdingLegacy
  • bad packets - badasintended
  • Structure Gel API - ModdingLegacy
  • Moonlight Lib- MehVahdJukaar
  • FerriteCore - malte0811
  • Cyclops Core - kroeser
  • Library Ferret - Forge - jtl_elisa
  • Puzzles Lib - Fuzs_
  • Lucky TNT Lib - Fleshcrafter_
  • CorgiLib - Corgi_Taco
  • Balm - BlayTheNinth

Latest Update

CAN: Create And Nature was updated to version 3.2