DiggyVerse updated to version 1.3.5b
Upgraded DiggysStuff to 1.6.0a (was 1.6.0);
Various code tweaks relating to Flight Stone
and Flight Cube. Potion effect when using
Flight Essence renamed to "Flight (Essence)"
instead of "Flight (Stone)". Flight Cube
now requires you to have a Flight Stone
on your hotbar in order to use it (just
like when using Flight Essence).
Changes fix potion effect issue whereby
the timer continues after disconnecting
and reconnecting despite loosing the
ability to fly.
Various code tweaks relating to Flight Stone
and Flight Cube. Potion effect when using
Flight Essence renamed to "Flight (Essence)"
instead of "Flight (Stone)". Flight Cube
now requires you to have a Flight Stone
on your hotbar in order to use it (just
like when using Flight Essence).
Changes fix potion effect issue whereby
the timer continues after disconnecting
and reconnecting despite loosing the
ability to fly.