SK: Balík pozostáva z módov upriamených hlavne na prežitie v Zombie Apocalypse. :D
Módy: Zombie Awareness
- Trashslot
- Lostcities
- Blockcarpentry
- ItemPhysic
- Bad Mobs
Versia: 1.18.2
Backstory: Vznikol zombie výrus v tvojom meste a ty sa snažíš prežiť, ale zombíci ti to neulachčia.
EN: The pack consists of modes focused mainly on survival in Zombie Apocalypse. Modes: Zombie Awareness Trashslot Lostcities Blockcarpentry ItemPhysic Bad Mobs SO FAR Version: 1.18.2 Backstory: There's a zombie virus in your city and you're trying to survive, but the zombies won't make it easy for you. :D