Install GabrInRaSé Modern Times

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (GabrInRaSé Modern Times) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select GabrInRaSé Modern Times from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

GabrInRaSé Modern Times Version 0.7

created by Deernose on Minecraft 1.12.2


Version 0.7


GabrInRaSé, Modern Times:
Patch v0.7
+ RandomThings-MC1.12.2-4.2.6
+ ChickenChunks-Mod
+ MobGrindingUtils-0.3.13

* actually additions
* AdvancedSolarPanels-4.3.0
* AE2WTLib-1.0.6
* appliedenergistics2-rv6.6
* Baubles-1.5.2
* Biome_Bundle_v6.1
* Botania-r1.10-360
* BrandonsCore-
* buildcraft-all-7.99.22
* Carpenter's Blocks v3.4.0-poc.5
* Chisel
* CodeChickenLib-
* CoFHCore-
* CoFHWorld-
* ColossalChests-1.7.0
* cxlibrary-1.6.1
* Cyclic-1.18.1
* CyclopsCore-1.0.5
* DimensionalDoors-3.0.9-28
* Draconic-Evolution-
* EnderCore-0.5.45
* EnderIO-5.0.40
* extrautils2-1.9.9
* furniture-6.2.0
* GalacticraftCore-
* Galacticraft-Planets-
* gammabright-3.7
* Hwyla
* iChun-Util
* IndustrialCraft2-Experimental
* InventoryTweaks-1.64+dev.146
* ironchest-
* jei-
* journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.4
* LunatriusCore-
* Mantle-
* MCA-5.3.1
* mcjtylib-5.3.1
* Mekanism-
* MicdoodleCore-
* MoreFurnaces-
* Morphing
* notenoughwands-1.7.3
* OpenTerrainGenerator-v6
* OptiFine_HD_U_E3
* OTG-Core
* p455w0rdslib-2.0.36
* PortalGun
* ProjectE-PE1.4.0
* RadixCore-2.2.1
* RedstoneFlux-
* Schematica-
* SimpleStorageNetwork-1.5.7
* TConstruct-
* ThermalDynamics-
* ThermalExpansion-
* ThermalFoundation-
* TreeCapitator-Mod-1.12
* tropicraft-
* twilightforest-3.8.689
* UncraftingTable(1.12.1)
* Waila-Harvestability(1.12)
* WirelessCraftingTerminal-3.11.88


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Version 0.6


+ Carpenter's Blocks v3.4.0-poc.5
+ Cyclic-1.18.1
- DrZharks+MoCreatures+Mod-12.0.5

* actually additions
* AdvancedSolarPanels-4.3.0
* AE2WTLib-1.0.6
* appliedenergistics2-rv6.6
* Baubles-1.5.2
* Biome_Bundle_v6.1
* Botania-r1.10-360
* BrandonsCore-
* buildcraft-all-7.99.22
* Carpenter's Blocks v3.4.0-poc.5
* Chisel
* CodeChickenLib-
* CoFHCore-
* CoFHWorld-
* ColossalChests-1.7.0
* cxlibrary-1.6.1
* Cyclic-1.18.1
* CyclopsCore-1.0.5
* DimensionalDoors-3.0.9-28
* Draconic-Evolution-
* EnderCore-0.5.45
* EnderIO-5.0.40
* extrautils2-1.9.9
* furniture-6.2.0
* GalacticraftCore-
* Galacticraft-Planets-
* gammabright-3.7
* Hwyla
* iChun-Util
* IndustrialCraft2-Experimental
* InventoryTweaks-1.64+dev.146
* ironchest-
* jei-
* journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.4
* LunatriusCore-
* Mantle-
* MCA-5.3.1
* mcjtylib-5.3.1
* Mekanism-
* MicdoodleCore-
* MoreFurnaces-
* Morphing
* notenoughwands-1.7.3
* OpenTerrainGenerator-v6
* OptiFine_HD_U_E3
* OTG-Core
* p455w0rdslib-2.0.36
* PortalGun
* ProjectE-PE1.4.0
* RadixCore-2.2.1
* RedstoneFlux-
* Schematica-
* SimpleStorageNetwork-1.5.7
* TConstruct-
* ThermalDynamics-
* ThermalExpansion-
* ThermalFoundation-
* TreeCapitator-Mod-1.12
* tropicraft-
* twilightforest-3.8.689
* UncraftingTable(1.12.1)
* Waila-Harvestability(1.12)
* WirelessCraftingTerminal-3.11.88


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Version 0.5


* Forge 1.12.2 - >>
(modified forge to avoid Done Loading)

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Version 0.3


* Forge 1.12.2 - >> 1.12.2 -
(modified forge to avoid Done Loading)

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Version 0.2-1


* launcher error fix

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Version 0.2


GabrInRaSé, Modern Times:
Patch v0.2
+ Chisel
+ gammabright-3.7
+ InventoryTweaks-1.64+dev.146
+ journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.4
+ OTG-Core
+ TreeCapitator-Mod-1.12
+ DrZharks+MoCreatures-12.0.5
+ actually additions
* EMC (from ProjectE) modified
* "optionsof.txt" and "options.txt" modified

* actually additions
* AdvancedSolarPanels-4.3.0
* AE2WTLib-1.0.6
* appliedenergistics2-rv6.6
* Baubles-1.5.2
* Biome_Bundle_v6.1
* Botania-r1.10-360
* BrandonsCore-
* buildcraft-all-7.99.22
* Chisel
* CodeChickenLib-
* CoFHCore-
* CoFHWorld-
* ColossalChests-1.7.0
* cxlibrary-1.6.1
* CyclopsCore-1.0.5
* DimensionalDoors-3.0.9-28
* Draconic-Evolution-
* DrZharks+MoCreatures-12.0.5
* EnderCore-0.5.45
* EnderIO-5.0.40
* extrautils2-1.9.9
* furniture-6.2.0
* GalacticraftCore-
* Galacticraft-Planets-
* gammabright-3.7
* Hwyla
* iChun-Util
* IndustrialCraft2-Experimental
* InventoryTweaks-1.64+dev.146
* ironchest-
* jei-
* journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.4
* LunatriusCore-
* Mantle-
* MCA-5.3.1
* mcjtylib-5.3.1
* Mekanism-
* MicdoodleCore-
* MoreFurnaces-
* Morphing
* notenoughwands-1.7.3
* OpenTerrainGenerator-v6
* OptiFine_HD_U_E3
* OTG-Core
* p455w0rdslib-2.0.36
* PortalGun
* ProjectE-PE1.4.0
* RadixCore-2.2.1
* RedstoneFlux-
* Schematica-
* SimpleStorageNetwork-1.5.7
* TConstruct-
* ThermalDynamics-
* ThermalExpansion-
* ThermalFoundation-
* TreeCapitator-Mod-1.12
* tropicraft-
* twilightforest-3.8.689
* UncraftingTable(1.12.1)
* Waila-Harvestability(1.12)
* WirelessCraftingTerminal-3.11.88

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Version 0.1


GabrInRaSé, Modern Times v0.1:

This pack is designed to exploit Overworld, with many industrial mods,
you will spend several hours breaking your head to create machines that have transformed your adventure, good lucky

* AdvancedSolarPanels-4.3.0
* AE2WTLib-1.0.6
* appliedenergistics2-rv6.6
* Baubles-1.5.2
* Biome_Bundle_v6.1
* Botania-r1.10-360
* BrandonsCore-
* buildcraft-all-7.99.22
* CodeChickenLib-
* CoFHCore-
* CoFHWorld-
* ColossalChests-1.7.0
* cxlibrary-1.6.1
* CyclopsCore-1.0.5
* DimensionalDoors-3.0.9-28
* Draconic-Evolution-
* EnderCore-0.5.45
* EnderIO-5.0.40
* extrautils2-1.9.9
* furniture-6.2.0
* GalacticraftCore-
* Galacticraft-Planets-
* Hwyla
* iChun-Util
* IndustrialCraft2-Experimental
* ironchest-
* jei-
* LunatriusCore-
* Mantle-
* MCA-5.3.1
* mcjtylib-5.3.1
* Mekanism-
* MicdoodleCore-
* MoreFurnaces-
* Morphing
* notenoughwands-1.7.3
* OpenTerrainGenerator-v6
* OptiFine_HD_U_E3
* p455w0rdslib-2.0.36
* PortalGun
* ProjectE-PE1.4.0
* RadixCore-2.2.1
* RedstoneFlux-
* Schematica-
* SimpleStorageNetwork-1.5.7
* TConstruct-
* ThermalDynamics-
* ThermalExpansion-
* ThermalFoundation-
* tropicraft-
* twilightforest-3.8.689
* UncraftingTable(1.12.1)
* Waila-Harvestability(1.12)
* WirelessCraftingTerminal-3.11.88

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Latest Update

GabrInRaSé Modern Times was updated to version 0.7