Install Galaxy Odyssey

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galaxy Odyssey) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galaxy Odyssey from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galaxy Odyssey Version 2.41.1923

created by AstroTibs on Minecraft 1.7.10

Galaxy Odyssey updated to version

* Bugfix: Servers should no longer gradually become unplayable due to a tick buildup. There was a bug in CoreTweaks, and that mod has been updated with a fix (and other optimizations).
* Hotfix: Removed corrupt file that caused issues installing the pack
* Bugfix: Mobs should now drop trading cards! Sorry!!
* Reduced the spawn rate of Gabbro, and increase the rate of other stone variants
* Bugfix: Mekanism's Energized Smelter now functions again, and certain other furnace recipes have been fixed
* IMPORTANT: NetheritePlus+ will be removed in a future update. Please convert all of your Netherite paraphernalia into their Et Futurum: Requiem versions so that you don't lose them.
* Added Netherite functionality to the smeltery. You can now smelt Netherite; but like RedAurum, you can only cast into ingots and blocks. You will need to craft ingots + tool cast to make tool parts.
* Bugfix: Chunk errors (strips of unloaded chunks) should no longer occur!
* The modpack will now refuse to launch until you dedicate at least 3GB of RAM to it (recommended 4)
* Reduced air quality reduction effects from most blocks; especially torches
Reduced air quality depletion of many blocks, especially torches
* Bugfix: moved mcpatcher/ctm textures from /resources to the GO_resources resourcepack, so connected textures should work again
* Bugfix: moved other textures and lang files that can't be handled by ResourceLoader back to the GO_resources resourcepack
* Bugfix: The Tinkers Construct smeltery block window should now be opaque and should no longer x-ray
* Disabled Gany's Surface's Red Sandstone. The Et Futurum version will be used here forward
* Added wall, slab, and stair variations for Andesite, Diorite, Granite, and Prismarine
* Lowered Apple drop rate from 5% to 1%
* Reduced the rate of dusty books found in residential and cartographer villager chests
* Changed the recipe for Cardboard Box: It is now constructed with eight paper in a ring, but you can substitute any corner with sawdust
* Crafting a bed with mixed wool colors now makes a white bed instead of red
* You can now craft an oak rowboat with any combination of planks
* You can no longer craft a generic bed into a vanilla bed
* You can no longer craft a lead using feathers
* Lead crafting is now a mirrored (reversible) recipe
* Consolidated black, blue, brown, and white dyes
* Bibliocraft Clipboards can be crafted with multiple wooden pressure plates
* Coffins and Cryogenic Chambers can now be crafted with any bed
* You can now use any bed in a Mekanism sawmill
* Ember Moss now has ambient temperaure and air quality effects
* Bugfix: Tin Decoration Blocks no longer have ambient temperature and air quality effects
* Added Smurf Tears blender recipe
* Shulkers can now spawn in the end. They spawn in clusters, and despawn, like regular mobs would.
* Biomes 'o Plenty bluebells renamed to Wild Hyacinth
* Updated the Boat item texture
* Corrected typos
* Renamed "mods-carryover" folder to "mods-carryover-obsolete" since this function is now handled by the "carryover/mods" folder
* Disabled logging oversized chat messages to console
* Bugfix: MCIL's metadata.packconfig was updated with the correct pack version number
* Included a "licenses" folder that contains individual licenses for various mods
* The Modernity resourcepack will no longer download, as it is unused.
* server_prep.bat should now pause when complete, rather than auto-closing the window
* Updated server_prep_files_to_remove.txt to include MAtmos
* Added mod: FalseTweaks. This obsoletes and integrates Triangulator.
* Added mod: UniMixins
* Updated mod: AppleCore to v3.2.10
* Updated mod: BugTorch to v1.2.3
* Updated mod: CodeChickenCore to v1.1.11
* Updated mod: CodeChickenLib to v1.1.8
* Updated mod: CoreTweaks to v0.3.0.1
* Updated mod: CraftPresence to v2.0.0-beta.1
* Updated mod: Edit Mob Drops to v1.4.3
* Updated mod: Et Futurum to v2.4.3
* Updated mod: FalsePatternLib to 0.10.15
* Updated mod: Healer to v1.2.1
* Updated mod: Hodgepodge to v2.0.35
* Updated mod: Immersive CaveGen to v1.2g-hotfix4
* Updated mods: Mekanism Core and Generators to v9.10.24
* Updated mod: Netherlicious to v3.2.8
* Updated mod: Not Enough Items to v2.3.32
* Updated mod: Village Names to v4.4.5a
* Removed mod: BetterVanilla - obsoleted by Et Futurum: Requiem
* Removed mod: Born in a Barn - obsoleted by HodgePodge
* Removed mods: GasStation and GTNHMixinsLite - superceded by UniMixins
* Removed mod: Triangulator - It was obsoleted by FalseTweaks. It is no longer optional.
* Rolled back mod: Biomes o' Plenty to v2.1.0.2308. Hodgepodge takes care of bugfixes.
* Changed BugTorch's download source to Modrinth
AstroTibs posted a changelog update for Galaxy Odyssey 1 year ago


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Latest Update

Galaxy Odyssey was updated to version 2.41.1923