GT5 lite updated to version 1.0.20
* Forestry ->
* Added BiomesOPlenty without active biomes for blocks and plants only
* Added integrated cicuites for segment displays and integrated circuits (recipe unification pending)
* Fixed AE2 cable isulation crafting
* Fixed Pentladite to respect some ore processing changes and replace the ebf recipe to produce nickel directly
* cheese is crafted from wax casing and heavy cream instead of milk
* added missing gray flower to composting
* added biomass from honey in the pyrolyse oven and mixer using the std *1.5 boost from forestry
* added short mead and mead creation from honey using the brewery/fermenter
* added ethanol from short mead and mead
* added moss production from mossy stone and water
* added mossy stone production from moss, stone and water, biomass as a byproduct
* added biomes o plenty mushrooms to mushroom ore dict, added them as forestry bee flower targets
* project red circutes plates need the cutting machine now
* removed biomes o plenty gem and magic and gear components
* Added BiomesOPlenty without active biomes for blocks and plants only
* Added integrated cicuites for segment displays and integrated circuits (recipe unification pending)
* Fixed AE2 cable isulation crafting
* Fixed Pentladite to respect some ore processing changes and replace the ebf recipe to produce nickel directly
* cheese is crafted from wax casing and heavy cream instead of milk
* added missing gray flower to composting
* added biomass from honey in the pyrolyse oven and mixer using the std *1.5 boost from forestry
* added short mead and mead creation from honey using the brewery/fermenter
* added ethanol from short mead and mead
* added moss production from mossy stone and water
* added mossy stone production from moss, stone and water, biomass as a byproduct
* added biomes o plenty mushrooms to mushroom ore dict, added them as forestry bee flower targets
* project red circutes plates need the cutting machine now
* removed biomes o plenty gem and magic and gear components