Version 9.45
- Fixed territory bug
- Added scanner shield & new donator shield
Version 9.39
- kebab bugg
- capture point bugg
- faction spawn teleport bugg
- hide in territorys, without altars
- taurewaith stuff made with bronze (remove that)
- fix that the jungle people are part of taurewaith for this season
- fix that the anduin bears biome is enterable again... part of BALCHOTH now!
- fix freezing in esgaroth lake that kills the fish
- fix tilefurnace bug (that you cannot open the NEI there)
- debuff blowgunners
- link shields to new system (through gitlab)
- add UUIDS on gitlab
- Remove biome color events/that it is possibile (less lagg)
- remove events that are not needed
- Skills: Sneak to remove block. otherwise its canceled
- Morgul brew has night vision again
- Added cacao to the taurethrim brew
- Added Gulduril crystals to northern orc brew
Version 8.8
big update to the siege system:
- fixed the longstanding bugs where you could still take damage after being death & rejoining the battle
- respawn on your deathpoint
- we can now make sure that people dont leave the battle, and rejoin it. Once we start the battle... people can no longer join it.
- we can now RESTART the battle and teleport everyone to the starting points. this way everyone doesnt need to leave and join.
Version 1.13
- speech for eregion
- speech for anduin men
- added Desert Scorpion, Jungle Scorpion, Mirkwood Spider, Mordor
Spider, Mordor Warg, Gundabad Warg, ANgmar Warg and Uruk Warg special
variants that can be breeded.
- Added spider & scorpion armor
- added hunt command
- changed night vision for dwarves to haste
Version 1.12
- factionkits are now 10k each
- random road in nurn is removed
- vertical slabs of Cargon and Luigon are renamed
- granite not spawning in red mountains is now fixed
- website link is now right
- changed gondor invasions on harad to COMMON
- angmar is now invisible in the Ettenmoors
- mûmakill damage is stronger now as a rhino
- mûmakill now has more damage & is faster
- dwarven rams now have less health & speed
- added entbane & fixed hobbit bane
- posion bottles now stack in 16 items per stacks
- water bottles now stack in 16 items per stack
- increased GUlf of harad, half trolls and near harad armor with from
0.5f protection to 0.6f protection
- Woodman, Rhudaur and Linaewen smiths no longer spawn on a horse
- added sphere of influence for wicked dwarves in Erebor, Dimrill dale
and Waest Gate
- added Cobblestone & Stone boulders
- added blood that you can place
Version 1.8
- horns/ivory are now craftable and give enough bonemeal
- harad is now hidden in pertorogwaith and harnennor
- rohan is now hidden in rohan woodlands
- killing anduin-men now gives the right achievement
- harad now allowes civilian murders
- more invasions in harad
- increased rohan & taurewaith durability
- added obsidian to the mining skill
- nurn structures now spawn with nurn table
- rhudel is hidden on their island
- Balchoth, Goblin, laketown, logathrim, nuriag, wainriders crafting
tables bottom are now custom textures
- Khazad-Dûm block cannot be reconverted to ingots
- stonefoot smith now spawns in the stonefoot cart
- add stained clay, andesite, diorite, granite,blockbreaker ability
- taurethrim cocoa brewable
- lantern crafting recipe with nuggets instead of ingots
- added woodmen, blue dwarves, dale, wood elves, angmar, western orcs,
wicked dwarfs, rhudel brew
- Added ANtidote, archery, Klutz, Levitate, Recoil, Slowfall, Solid
Core, Stepup and vulnerable potions/effects
- combatlog system
Version 1.5
- Balchoth texture pixel remove
- Rhudel is now hidden on the rhudel island
- fixed lang mistakes
- iron bars recipe fix
- fixed trimmed bricks from factions (wrong recipes)
- all added bows now have custom stats
- you can now smith moriquendi items in the wood elven smith
- added nurn trader to nurn structures
- added khazad-dûm steel block
- added invasions from the orocarni in the mountains of the wind, blacklock forest and last desert
- sphere of influence for wicked dwarves is bigger now
- wicked dwarf warrior helmet, gold, silver and mithril trimmed
- Added eregion forge
- added ability to smelt mithril in all submod forges (except moriquendi)
- trimmed iron hills armor
- khazad-warrior helmet is now crafted with khazad steel
- all horns can be converted to bonemeal
- slabifier now has a freemode option
- pumpkin texture doesnt have the scary thing
- changed near harad to Harad Empire