Install HOC Reaper Reborn

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (HOC Reaper Reborn) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select HOC Reaper Reborn from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

HOC Reaper Reborn Version 2.3_HotFix

created by SeSaGaming on Minecraft 1.20.1

HOC Reaper Reborn updated to version 2.0

Update 2.0
System Side-
StackFlow Registries optimized for performance on both heavy & LITE Versions of the Modpack.
Tick Priorities Registered for certain features to minimize lag
Certain items have been blacklisted from being used, however can be crafted for progression reasons.

Throw Items Key changed to 'T', 'Enter' is now used for chatting (As chatting should be always)
'Q' now brings up a menu to navigate around different features of the modpack
You are able to now marry other players and have children
You are able to now marry NPC Villagers
Procreated Children do chores/fight enemies
Villagers Models changed to Player-type models
VIllagers now offer more of an RPG experience
New Quest NPCs added for question experience
EMC Values altered to decrease exploits
PMMO Values changed to now offer "GunSlinger" as a class to spec in.
Combat experience now increases overall damage
World Generation Quality has increased (More beautiful Scenary)
Harder dungeons created/added for the more challenging-type playstyle
More Phobia-type entities/enemies added for difficulty purposes
More Items now have a Stat value that communicated with Character Stats
Added Rarity Beams
Added more emojis
Added more ProjectE Progression
Added Quests
Added SleepingBags
Added cave exploration structures
Added Ancient City Structures
Added more Bosses
Death now has consequences

Certain items may cause crashes when thrown on the ground, Notify Me when it occurs so I can make a hotfix if able
Currently known Items to crash game: Apotheosis Rarity Materials.
You can only get the rarity materials by salvaging apotheosis gear. Do NOT throw them on the ground.
Currently unknown whether Nether/End/Aether/Twilight Forest has any issues, Notify me with crash report if you crash in these dimensions

Coming Soon:
Skill tree that talks to Character stats so customized classes can be created.
Refined Tick processes
Custom Models for certain aspects (Being vague on purpose)
SeSaGaming posted a changelog update for HOC Reaper Reborn 6 months ago


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Latest Update

HOC Reaper Reborn was updated to version 2.3_HotFix