Version 2.4.1
hotfix 2.4.1
-removed pienapple delight
-added map atlas
Version 2.4
The Progression update part 2!
(the git gud update)
-added clay and netherite veins to the overworld
-added Iron's Spellbooks
(removed ars noveau as replacement)
-added cloak and dagger
(x1.5 distracted modifier, x1.8 unaware modifier)
-added food effects,
(foods grants effects to assist in combat for early game)
-added Restricted portals
(view restricted portals advancements tab in game for details)
-removed mods; champions, chimes, ars novaeu, epic knights armor.
-added Blue Skies
(mobs and bosses in this dimension are given a x6 health/damage multiplier, drop rarity has been set to epic | mythic. (in a later update; durability, damage, and armor will be buffed to better suit the high level of the dimension))
- Given pillager mobs a health buff
- Given the wither a 2x health/damage buff
Version 2.3.1
(generation and structure tweaks)
*added structure mods and teaks to existing structures
-valhelsia structures
-integrated dungeons and structures
- added 'sparse structures reforged'
{structure spacing x 0.7, structure separation x 0.5. These values are subject to change}
- when dungeons arise will no longer spawn mid-air structures
(general fixes and optimization update)
*added controller support
*removed the following mods deemed to be; redundant, balance issues, bloat, incompatible, or updated versions
-endless biomes
-undead expansion
-warden and sculk
-create: steam and rails
-immersive armors
-callable horses
-enlightened end
-dungeon crawl
Version 2.3
Automation and generation update!
*added biomes o' plenty (configured to avoid having duplicate biomes/wood types
*updated create to version 0.5.1b (with create additions; Create stuff and things, Create the factory must grow, Create stuff and things, Create slice and dice, Create enchantment industry
-next update may potentially include fixes for structures spawning inside of each other, but I am tired and want to get out some other features and updates first
Version 2.2.3
updated patch for further compatibility for serene seasons
*immersive engineering
*ars nouvaeu
*cultural delights
-removed alchocraft
Version 2.2.2
Farming Update Part 2!
-added serene seasons compatiblity for the following mods:
*cultural delight
*pineapple delight
*fruitful fun (replacing "fruitstack")
-removed following incompatible mods;
*italian delight
Version 2.2.1
*fixed blacklist not working
-I may not be able to add compatibility for serene seasons just yet, as the process is much more complicated then i expected, so may be delayed to a later update.
Version 2.2
Farming Update Part 1
*added animal butchery for more quality cuts of meat
*added 'overweight' block variants to certain crops
*added additional fruit trees
*created food blacklist to incentivize players to cook for additional health
-part 2 of this update will feature serene seasons compatibility for additional crops added by unsupported mods.
Version 2.1
Progression update!
-buffed ender dragon to 900 health, 3 x damage
-locked twilight forest access behind defeating the dragon
-buffed all twilight forest bosses to +1000 health, 4 x damage
-added progressive dimensional multipliers for scaling dimensional difficulty
-changed rarity types of the twilight forest to accurately represent its difficulty
Version 1.10
*due to a rendering issue, this update was built on from a previous update (v1.7)
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.8.1
*removed redundant mods
*removed bloat mods
*fixed runewood tree spawnrate bug... again
Version 1.8
*Added abnormals mods as replacements for byg
*added immersive engineering
Version 1.5.2
*fixed an issue where runewood trees would generate at an excessive rate
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