Install GT New Horizons

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (GT New Horizons) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select GT New Horizons from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

GT New Horizons Version 2.7.2

created by DreamMasterXXL on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

GT New Horizons updated to version

Version 19.07.2017

Mod Upgrade:

Adventurebackpack 0.9 gbeta 16
Binnies Mods 2.0.20
GT Plus Plus 1.5.6b

Code changes:

Core Mod(SteveCarts with Reinforced tools cant be repaired #1672, Infinity need low gravity, Carbon ingots #1632, Annealed Copper Rods #1656, LV Pump can be crafted with paper rings #1670, Ash rebalance #1159, )
GT(Add Low Gravity option to Centrifuge recipes, Added recipe to get Infinity in the UV Centrifuge, Adjusted cracked fluid distillation speed, LightFuel/Naphtha balance, LV Pump can be crafted with paper rings #1670, Added the Large Chemical Reactor Controller inventory to the item input, Remove smog "shader")

Changed/added Recipes:

AE2(Removal of grindstone NEI Recipes)
Avaritia(Infinity items #1649, Add recipe for Neutron Collector and Compressor)
Harvestcraft(Loot bag now in the Quest Menu)
Steve Carts(SteveCarts with Reinforced tools cant be repaired #1672)
Tinkers COnstruct(Manyullyn possible to make in smeltery #1665)
Thaumcraft(Thaumcraft Mirrored Glass #1668)

Config changes:

AE2(Removal of grindstone NEI Recipes)
Gt++ and Gt config update,
Lootgames(lootgames unusable item, maybe glitched? #1662)

Quest Changes

Fix Placholder Quest icons (inguna Tinker heads), all vanilla mobs quests due coins=spawner eggs, Bounce Pad Quest #1630, [] Extremely large number of products required in a quest. Split Bio Diesel Quests from Platic Quests #1640, maple syrup #1652, Novice Thaumaturge Quest uncompletable "Not Just for Decoration" #1664, Railcraft Steam Oven Quest #1663, Excavator quest #744 requires excess items #1654,
DreamMasterXXL posted a changelog update for GT New Horizons 7 years ago


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Latest Update

GT New Horizons was updated to version 2.5.1