Install GT New Horizons

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (GT New Horizons) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select GT New Horizons from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

GT New Horizons Version 2.7.2

created by DreamMasterXXL on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

GT New Horizons updated to version

Version 21.07.2017

Mod Upgrade:

GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.7.10-1.4.20

Code changes:

Core Mod(add a air to oxy recipe, change recipes Autoclave low grav recipes, Added Circuits to Mixer recipes. Set 1 = GT Set2 = Core Mod, Add 2 slots to the Mixer to make it 6 slots #1568, SteveCarts with Reinforced tools cant be repaired #1672, oredict steves carts galgadorian Infinity dust change recipe to be under int max,)

Gregtech(change implosion Compressor using wrong cables, Add a low grav and a clenroom recipe option to gt. Add a option to add both, Add option if clean room is disabled set clean room requirements to false., make recipe a bit harder (Lv-hv Miner), Add HV Miner, HV mixer recipe 'conflict' - Nichrome dust and Ultimet dust #1533 Add 2 slots to the Mixer to make it 6 slots #1568, try to ignore unification for steve carts metals SteveCarts with Reinforced tools cant be repaired #1672

Changed/added Recipes:

update recipes. remove clay recipe. change Arcane stone recipe, Quest: NASA workbench #1679, Molecurlar Transformer now a real Ev device, Iron, Steel, Copper using Railcraft plates #1102 now only gt plates are used,

Config changes:

Some config updates

Quest Changes

Clenroom and Scanner Quest, LV Miner Quest, Basic Washer Quest, Gt++ Tank Quest, A fe coin quests... more will follow later. "2x steel" quest is auto completed #1677, Quest Integrated Circuit #794 #1678, more solar quests, Bloo Altar Tier 1-6 Quests, Fuel quests adjust amounts #1444, "Using steam to cook things" as optional quest. #1673
DreamMasterXXL posted a changelog update for GT New Horizons 7 years ago


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Can not connect to your server.
Posted by WestusBox 7 years ago

Latest Update

GT New Horizons was updated to version 2.5.1