Install Minecraft Viral (Mudança 3)

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Minecraft Viral (Mudança 3)) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Minecraft Viral (Mudança 3) from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Minecraft Viral (Mudança 3) Version 1.0

created by Yzilino on Minecraft 1.10.2

Lista de Mods:

  1. Baubles
  2. Bdlib
  3. BiblioCraft
  4. Bookshelf
  5. Carpenter's Blocks
  6. Chameleon
  7. Chisel-MC
  8. Chisel Sand Bits
  9. CodeChickenLib
  10. CoFHCore
  11. Compatrlayer
  12. Covers
  13. CraftTweaker
  14. Custom Backgrounds
  15. Custom Main Menu
  16. Dark Utilities
  17. Deep Resonance
  18. Default Options
  19. Draconic Evolution
  20. Dragon Mounts
  21. ElecCore
  22. Elytra Boost
  23. Extra Utilitites 2
  24. Extreme Reactors
  25. Extreme Uranium Reactor
  26. Foam Fix
  27. Industrial Craft 2
  28. Just Enough Itens
  29. Just Enough Resources
  30. Just Enough Tooltips
  31. LLOverlay Reloaded
  32. Mantle
  33. Mapwriter 2
  34. MCJTYlib
  35. Mc Multi Part
  36. MmmMmmMmmMmm
  37. Mod Tweaker
  38. MTLib
  39. OpenEye
  40. Optifine HD U E3
  41. Plustic
  42. Quadrum
  43. Refined Storage
  44. Resource Loader
  45. Storage Drawers
  46. Subtratum
  47. Tinkers Contruct
  48. Tesla
  49. Thermal Foundation 50.Third Person Elytra
  50. Vein Miner
  51. Waila
  52. ZeroCore