Hello Fellow Modern Millenaire Players if you have any bugs or crashes please post them to the forums page located at www.ModernMillenaire.com.
[b]Common Problems:[/b]
"Help I get 'Invalid Session' when I want to join the server!" To fix this, please close all Minecraft instances and the Technic Launcher, then start the Technic Launcher (once) and start the Moddern Millenaire pack (once).
I cannot lo into the server and have followed '1)'. Please check if the Minecraft authentication servers are up and runnning [url=here]http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/[/url]
[b]How to add OptiFine:[/b]
First download the latest OptiFine version [url=http://optifine.net/adloadx?f=OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_C1.jar]here[/url].
Select the Modpack in the Technic Laucher and click on "Modpack-Options". In the popup menu, click on "Open" and the Modpacks folder containing all files will open. Copy the downloaded OptiFine-XYZ.jar file into the "mods" folder and launch the pack.