German: New Castol City RolePlay ist ein ModPack welches dafür gemacht wurde um aus der Map New Castol City einen Richtigen RolePlay Server machen zu können.
Natürlich darf alles auch einfach so Verwendet werden.
English: New Castol City Roleplay is a ModPack which was made for it to be able to get out of the map New Castol City make a correct Roleplay server.
Of course, everything can be just so >used
-DamageIndicatorsMod -BiblioCraft -buildcraft -CodeChickenCore -ComputerCraft -CustomNPCs -CyanosLootableBodies -DynamicTransport -Flans Mod -Forge Relocation -Forge RelocationFMP -GalacticraftCore -Galacticraft-Planets -IC2NuclearControl -Immibis-Core -Immibiss-Microblocks -Industrial-Craft-2 -malisiscore -malisisdoors -Mantle -Master_Chef -MicdoodleCore -Mine Trading Cards -MinecraftMoney -MoarPeripherals -MrCrayfishFurnitureMod -natura -NGTLib -Not-Enough-Items -ProjectRed Base -ProjectRed Compat -ProjectRed Fabrication -ProjectRed Integration -ProjectRed Lighting -ProjectRed Mechanical -ProjectRed World -Real-Train-Mod -ReiMinimap -SecurityCraft -SGCraft -SlimevoidLibrary -Trophy Slots -WR-CBE