Install NSO - Naruto Storm Online

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (NSO - Naruto Storm Online) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select NSO - Naruto Storm Online from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

NSO - Naruto Storm Online Version 4.88

created by Kravy on Minecraft 1.7.10

NSO - Naruto Storm Online updated to version 4.6

[+] Map Expansion:
- The map is about 2.5x bigger, more areas to explore
[+] Prestige Points:
- Prestiging gives 70 points per prestige, points are used to increase the following stats (Health%, Damage, Crit Rate, Crit DMG)
- Prestige Points can be respeced by spending 10 Gems (free if you have Hagoromo Blessing)
[+] Nukenin Rework
- Nukenins are now based on Level, the higher the Level, the more XP and CF given
- Nukenins are exclusively found on Nukenin camps/structures. No more Nukenins randomly placed around the map
[+] Zetsu Rework
- Same as Nukenin Rework, they are based on Level
[+] Multiple Crits
- Having over 100% Crit Rate allows you to do multiple Critical Damage on the same strike, the second Critical Damage added is divided by 2, the third by 3 and so on.
[+] Chest Rework
- Green and Blue chests now give DNA, Golden Chests also gives Gems
- Chest Count has been reset and most chests have been moved. Total Chest Count is over 200
[+] Prestige 5 & 6 Quests (Over 1800 Gems)
[+] 5 new Chocobos to find around the map
[+] Identified DNA (Water,Fire,Wind,Lightning) can now be traded for Platinum Ryo at /warp shop
[%] Prestige Limit is now 8
[%] Health Limit is now 100k
[%] Senjutsu Minigame is now easier, requiring less combo to finish
[%] Kusarigama, Kiba and White Fang Chakra Saber can now be obtained at /warp shop
[%] Fire Stamps can no longer be obtained
[%] Old Prestiges buff have been removed
[%] Mori Calliope & Succubus Skins fixed
[%] New Block Shops at the New Village
[-] Stamp Shop removed
[-] Nukenin Headband and Nukenin Sound Headband can no longer be obtained
Kravy posted a changelog update for NSO - Naruto Storm Online 1 year ago


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Latest Update

NSO - Naruto Storm Online was updated to version 4.88