Install Pentagram

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Pentagram) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Pentagram from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Pentagram Version release 5.6.1

created by dkaeo on Minecraft 1.20.1

Pentagram updated to version beta 6


We're nearing the finished product bois, big update tonight.

- Quivers are now a more balanced size
- Quiver hud is now just below the seasons of the world, was originally overlapping. Unfortunately, the quiver mod has a really messy configuration for it's hud, so this was the best compromise, anywhere else just doesn't work how I want it to

- Slightly nerfed ranger and archer armor defense stat, reason for this was because it was an insanely cheap diamond armor alternative. Archer set is now the middle ground of leather/chainmail armor, ranger set is now slightly better than an iron set, instead of equivalent to Diamond. Sorry tank archers. :(

- Armor set bonuses removed, forgot to remove this in a past update
- Potentially fixed the "staying in game too long" memory leak by enabling a fix in ModernFix
- Enabled "Dynamic Resources" in ModernFix. If this causes problems it will be disabled in the next update.
- Removed "Curse of Corrosion"
- Removed Infinity Caves as it wasn't compatiable with the current generation set up, plus it created unwanted effects and items, such as the infamous poison "glitch" (which wasn't a glitch, just a dumb feature) since the first release of this modpack. Thank god that's gone.

~ QOL ~

- Added Drip Sounds
- Added CTOV compatabilities
- Added new mob particles
- Added Chat heads
- Added Cave dust
- Added Boat Item View
- Added Make Bubbles Pop
- Added Villages and Pillages
- Added Friends & Foes compatiabilities
- Added Merchant Markers
- Added Seamless Loading Screen
- Readded Crying Obsidian portals (they work this time lol)
- Added EMI compatiabilities

- Fixed icons
- Fixed +5 Healing Power not being able to be chosen as a first talent
- Fixed +2 Jump advanced stat looking like +1 Jump
- Made it 4x harder to level up (to compensate for the max level being 15)

- Buffed Molten Edge damage

- Base game enchantments tweaked

- Hopefully fixed pufferfish skill reset command

- Boss respawns every hour

- You can no longer claim land


Updated Resource pack! Thanks to my buddy Kor0_ for making it for us. Love u bro.

dkaeo posted a changelog update for Pentagram 1 year ago


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Latest Update

Pentagram was updated to version release 5.6.1