MODS INCLUDED:BspkrsCore, ReiMinimap, AdvancedGenetics, Archimidesships, Artifice, AutoBlocks, Autoutils, BetterStorage, BiblioCraft, BibliowoodsNATURA, CarpenterBlocks, Chiseloverride, CCC, cofhCORE, configmodMC, coroai, Doge, flans, food+, FPS+, Galacticraft, GCplanets, Gravitygun, hats, IchunUtil, immibiscore, IC2, InventoryTweaks, IronChests, MicDoodle, ModbuildMC, Natura, NEIplugins, NEI, OpenBlocks, OpenMods, Optifine, PortalGun, PowercrystalsCORE, PRbase, PRcompact, PRintegration, PRlighting, PRmechanical, PRworld, RandomThings, Statues, TConstruct, ThermalExpansion, Tmechs, Walia, Witchery Chisel, Forestry, AppliedEnergestics, ModularPowerSuits, BiblioWoodsFORESTRY, BiblioWoodsBIOMES, BiomesOPlenty, MineFactoryReloaded, DynamicLighting, BuildCraft, MrCrayfishFurniture, OceanCraft and BalkonsWeapons....
For an amazing total of 64 MODS!
FLANS:Modern Weapons
BY Pendertuga_101, And OmarFk_11
For an amazing total of 64 MODS!
FLANS:Modern Weapons
BY Pendertuga_101, And OmarFk_11