About the Modpack
DISCLAIMER I didn't really know what I was doing when I made this pack, I'm not built to be a modpack developer. That being said, this pack should work given the recommended specs (solid CPU, preferably a GPU for Optifine, and 8 GB of RAM).
That also being said, I LOVE making modpacks, and I love modded Minecraft. I've been getting back into it, and I've created something recently that I'm really proud of. Fortunately, I'm not me three years ago and I'm going to actually try to develop it and then release it.
This modpack is based off of PopularMMOs' modpacks and a few mod showcases (with some mods here and there).
Want adventure? Perfect place. We here got around 70+ bosses, 10+ new dimensions, and a lot of natural generating structure mods. Bored of adventuring? Try growing some diamonds with Magical Crops, making your house look neater with MrCrayfish's Furniture mod, and organizing your items with Storage Drawers. Still bored? Open some chance cubes, grind some money and trade with Youtuber+'s natural occuring NPCs to get some item and/or structures to generate. Don't know what you're doing and want some progression? No problem, I got your back with an achievement book that can help guide you through, although the more end-game you get, the more you'll have to research.
Weapons, armor, bosses, minibosses, monsters, special events, this is an all-you-can-get/fight of deadly and powerful items and creatures modpack. So many, in fact, that I attempted to create a spreadsheet of them all, but gave up after around 300 items that do damage (not including ranged weapons).
If you don't have a beefy PC, I recommend to be nice to loading chunks, as it can easily crash trying to load in all the content. My PC (Ryzen 7 2700X, Radeon RX 580) gets an average of 45-60 FPS playing at 12 render distance.
Other Stuff
I think a great theme song to go with this modpack, would definitely be The Ascension by kylermannn. Upbeat, it gives off a nostalgia vibe even though I have no nostalgia for it, and I think it just fits really well with the mods. [Newgrounds Page] (https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/749061)
[The Song on YouTube] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iGzm4dddkE)
Allocate around 4-8 GB depending if you plan to play through and beat every boss (8 max, 2 min)
[Mod List] (https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7NMygp6sbm/)
If you get a Hardcore Ender Expansion music disc, and it says the resourcepack isn't equipped, make sure to equip it (if you want to play the music discs).
Credit goes to Shinoow for making the AbyssalCraft mod.
Credit goes to Scimiguy for making the Advent of Ascension mod.
Credit goes to Noppes_ for making the Animal Bikes mod.
Credit goes to Elix_x for making the Anti ID Conflict mod.
Credit goes to AtomicStryker for making the Battle Towers, Infernal Mobs, and Ruins mods.
[Battle Towers] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/atomicstrykers-battle-towers)
[Infernal Mobs] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/atomicstrykers-infernal-mobs)
[Ruins] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ruins-structure-spawning-system)
Credit goes to Eydamos for rewriting MigthyPorks Backpack Mod.
Credit goes to Azanor13 for making the Baubles mod.
Credit goes to Chocolatin for making the Better Dungeons mod.
Credit goes to octarine_noise for making the Better Foliage mod.
Credit goes to Guichaguri for making the BetterFps mod.
Credit goes to WillR27 for making the Blocklings mod.
Credit goes to Turkey2349 for making the Chance Cubes mod.
Credit goes to tterrag1098 for making the Chisel mod.
Credit goes to rich1051414 for making the Damage Indicators mod.
Credit goes to Stuuupiiid for making the Dungeon Pack mod.
Credit goes to OreCruncher for making the Dynamic Surroundings mod.
Credit goes to HoopaWolf for making the Elemental Witches mod.
Credit goes to DarkhaxDev for making Enchanting Plus and the More Swords mods.
[Encahnting Plus] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enchanting-plus)
[More Swords Mod] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-swords-mod)
Credit goes to skyjay1 for making the Extra Golems mod.
Credit goes to pitman-87 for making the Familiars API and Extended FamPack mods.
Credit goes to Search Results MrCrayfish for making the Furniture mod.
Credit goes to ohaiiChun for making the Gravity Gun, Hats, and iChunUtil mods.
[Gravity Gun] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravity-gun)
[Hats] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hats)
[iChunUtil] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ichunutil)
Credit goes to chylex for making the Hardcore Ender Expansion mod, and the Music for Hardcore Ender Expansion resource pack.
[Hardcore Ender Expansion] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hardcore-ender-expansion)
[Music for Hardcore Ender Expansion] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/music-for-hardcore-ender-expansion)
Credit goes to swordglowsblue for making the Harry Potter Wands mod.
Credit goes to WeaselNinja for making the Helpful Villagers mod.
Credit goes to ProgWML6 for making the Iron Chests mod.
Credit goes to Malorolam for making the Loot Bags mod.
Credit goes to Lycanite for making the Lycanites Mobs mod.
Credit goes to Mark719 for making the Magical Crops mod.
Credit goes to Ordinastie for making the Malisis Core and Malisis Doors mod.
[MalisisCore] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malisiscore)
[MalisisDoors] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malisisdoors)
Credit goes to medwards for making the Battlegear 2 mod.
Credit goes to iwoplaza for making the Mo' Bends mod.
Credit goes to cubex2 for making the More Furnaces mod.
Credit goes to fewizz_ for making the Not Enough ID's mod.
Credit goes to Chicken_Bones for making Not Enough Items, and CodeChickenCore.
[Not Enough Items] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/notenoughitems)
[Code Chicken Core] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/codechickencore)
Credit goes to TheyCallMeDanger for making the OreSpawn mod.
Credit goes to greymerktv for making Roguelike Dungeons mod.
Credit goes to AbrarSyed for making the Secret Rooms mod.
Credit goes to tterrag1098 for making the Simple Achievements mod.
Credit goes to Tmtravlr for making the Sound Filters mod.
Credit goes to bspkrs for making the Starting Inventory mod.
Credit goes to Texelsaur for making the Storage Drawers mod.
Credit goes to pWn3d_1337 for making the Techguns mod.
Credit goes to Azanor13 for making the Thaumcraft mod.
Credit goes to ModdingLegacy for making the Farlanders mod.
Credit goes to rafo2002 for making the Pun mod.
Credit goes to Benimatic for making the Twilight Forest mod.
Credit goes to Portablejim for making the VeinMiner mod.
Credit goes to MamiyaOtaru for making the Voxel Map mod.
Credit goes to ProfMobius for making the Waila mod.
Credit goes to Corosus for making Weather, Storms & Tornadoes, and CoroUtil mods.
[Weather, Storms & Tornadoes] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/weather-storms-tornadoes)
[CoroUtil] (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/coroutil)
Credit goes to supercat765 for making the Youtubers+ mod.
Credit goes to KingLemmingCoFH for making the CoFH Lib mod.
Thanks to everyone on Reddit and Minecraft Forums that believed in me. :) And thanks to all the mod creators for letting me be here. :)