Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (PROMETHEUS RISING [AVP]) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select PROMETHEUS RISING [AVP] from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!


created by glixyl on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Version 019 - Recommended
Aliens vs Predator by Ri5ux author - tweaks by glixyl
Glixyl's derivative fan fiction of Aliens vs Predator mod originally created by Ri5ux of

--------- Aliens vs Predator is a copyright of 20th Century Fox ---------- not for redistribution or intended to be used outside of Glixyl's Entropy. do not ask the original author for assistance with this mod pack as it is derivative. original source code available at

derivative fan fiction - not for profit - no monetization - source code variants pending - Microsoft Public License (MS-PL)
This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you accept this license. If you do not accept the license, do not use the software. 1. Definitions The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative works," and "distribution" have the same meaning here as under U.S. copyright law. A "contribution" is the original software, or any additions or changes to the software. A "contributor" is any person that distributes its contribution under this license. "Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read directly on its contribution. 2. Grant of Rights (A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its contribution, prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute its contribution or any derivative works that you create. (B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license under its licensed patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative works of the contribution in the software. 3. Conditions and Limitations (A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks. (B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your patent license from such contributor to the software ends automatically. (C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the software. (D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object code form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this license. (E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using it. The contributors give no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, the contributors exclude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Applied Energistics 2 by AlgorithmX2
A Mod About energy, and matter and getting stuff done! Probably.
AVPPR by glixyl, lv426
resource pack
AVPPR Configs by glixyl
configs and textures for Prometheus Rising
Better PVP by Xaero
This mod adds a whole bunch of useful features to Minecraft that can be used either for PVP or for survival/hardcore. The mod adds a fully customizable GUI interface system which consists of various, also customizable, interfaces such as a minimap, armour status, potion status etc. It also adds a lot of useful keybinds that can make your game even more convenient, one of which is an rpg-like actionbar system.
Big Reactors by Erogenous Beef
Modular multi block reactors that are semi realistic and have integration with other tech mods? Yes please.
Block Properties Mod by FatherToast

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Block Properties

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This mod allows you to customize all blocks, vanilla or otherwise, with anything that can be modified through various events at your disposal and more. Many properties accept number ranges for values, and are randomized for each block event.

Everything in this mod is completely configurable. This mod will do nothing if you do not edit its properties files. The properties files are generated in your .minecraft/config directory.

The properties files use a format known as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). You can find specs and examples of JSON on the JSON website and various tutorials scattered throughout the internet. This page will assume you understand JSON enough to write a file and know what I mean when I say "object", "array", "name", and "value".
Blood N Bones Lib by Blood N Bones Gaming
All Blood N Bones Gaming mods require the BNBGamingLib to be installed to work correctly.
bspkrsCore by bspkrs, ZenCoder
A dependency mod for all of bspkrs' other mods, including TreeCapitator.
Chisel by Automatic_Maiden, tterrag, Drullkus, and Minecreatr
Chisel adds a huge variety of static blocks to the game. This mod will be very useful for people who like the construction aspect of Minecraft.
CodeChickenCore by ChickenBones
CoFH Core by Team CoFH
The dependency for all Team CoFH mods, with custom ore generation, flat bedrock, and much more!
ComputerCraft by dan200
Adds programmable computers to Minecraft.
Coro Util by Corosus
Util mod for all of Corosus's mods.
Custom Chest Loot by Father Toast
Have you ever wanted to customize your bonus starter chest, see mod items in dungeons, or simply wanted to make your Minecraft's trunks full of junk? If so, then here's the solution for you: Custom Chest Loot!
Custom Main Menu [OLD DONT USE] by Lumien
This mod allows you to modify the main menu using a json file, you can modify the content / position of pretty much everything the vanilla menu contains. In addition you can also add new stuff to your menu like a slideshow, web links or completely new sub menus.
EnderCore by tterag1098
Core mod required by Ender IO, Ender Zoo, and more.
Enviromine by TimbuckTato
Adding realism to Minecraft: caveins, land slides, block physics, hydration, sanity, air quality and more.
Ex Astris by insaneau
Ex Nihlio by Erasmus_Crowley
Provides some alternative ways to get resources, works great for sky block style maps.
Extra Cells by Leonelf
Extra Cells is an addon mod for the popular Applied Energistics mod, created by Leonelf. Applied Energistics adds a complex storage network system to the game, allowing players to store items, automate crafting processes and much more. The Extra Cells mods seeks to supplement Applied Energistics in areas where it is still lacking a few useful features, such as fluid storage, considerably larger storage drives and backup batteries as a form of uninterruptable power supply.
FastCraft by Player
This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled. Fastcraft is optional and can be deleted if it has issues.
Forge by LexManos, cpw
Minecraft mod loader.
globalgamerules by Gory_Moon
A mod that allows for global GameRules that applies when a world is loaded.
All changes made to the GameRules in one world is applied to all other worlds when they are loaded and saved to the config.
Rules made in either config file or in-game config gui is applied on world loads.
Hardcore Questing Mode by Vswe, LordDusk, ScottWears
Hardcore Questing Mode introduces a possibility to play a life based hardcore mode, but with more than only 1 life before your world gets deleted or you get banned from a server. Furthermore, you can complete quests to gain rewards, the rewards might be cool items or even extra lives. The quests aren't however included in the mod, it's up to you or a map maker to create them. To create them you will have to use the in-game editor. You can then export the quests to a file to share with your friends or the players of your map.
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
This client mod allows you to easily manage your inventory, in both single player and multiplayer. It works out of the box, and will make you gain a massive amount of time!
Iron Chests by cpw, ProgWML6, Alexbegt
A mod that adds better storage solutions to Minecraft, used to be part of IC2.
Just A Few Fish by Tmtravlr
Adds mob versions of the 4 types of fish in minecraft that spawn in the water and can be fished out using special fishing rods. They can also be bred in multiblock tanks using seeds.
Login Shield by Glasspelican
Simple server side mod that protects players from damage during login.
Has a configurable max timeout, and stops protecting when player is able to interact with the world
Config option to teleport players out of the void.
This mod can be used on the client, in this case it only affects singleplayer worlds
MalisisCore by Ordinastie
MalisisCore is framework designed to help develop mods. It covers :
Graphical User Interface
New easy to use Inventory management
Helper classes for Entities, Items etc..
MalisisDoors by Ordinastie
Mantle by mDiyo, ProgWML6, bonusboni
This contains shared code for Forge mods and is used by the Slime Knights. Descriptive book code and common inventories are found here.
Minechem by pixlepix
You can research blocks and items, and then break them down into their base compounds and elements. From base elements like Fe and H, to complex chemical compounds like L-hyoscyamine, you can break down, combine, and recompose almost any material.
MineFactory Reloaded by PowerCrystals/skyboy026
MineTweaker 3 by StanH
MineTweaker is a server admin and modpack maker tool that enables players to customize recipes, adjust the ore dictionary, change item names. It also provides support for several mod machines, with ModTweaker adding support for many other mods.
Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR97
Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel.
Music Choices by Tmtravlr
Gives you a lot more choice about what music plays in-game, and where. It will let you play certain music tracks based on things like biomes, dimensions, day/night, creative mode, and also lets you play music in the menu and when fighting bosses, and many other situations!
NEI Plugins by mistaqur
Adds NEI support for BuildCraft, RailCraft, and more.
Nether Ores by PowerCrystals/skyboy026
Ores in the Nether! Coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, tin, copper, emerald, silver, lead, uranium, and nikolite. Non-vanilla ores only spawn if a mod that uses them exists. All nether ores turn into their surface counterparts in a furnace - some (like redstone or coal) may need to be smacked with a pick or macerated to be made useful.
Not Enough Items by ChickenBones, mitchej123
NEI is a successor to both Too Many Items and Recipe Book. It arose around the same time as Craft Guide when Alexandria and a few others on the IRC suggested that I merge both Too Many Items and Recipe Book to remove their greatest flaws, ironically too many items, or in the case of recipe book, too many recipies. Too Many Items was great, but the one thing it lacked was an easy way to search and sort your items. When you had a mod like Red Power coming along with 10000 items both TMI and Recipe Book were racking up the pages. Even if you don't want to use NEI for cheating in items, you will likely feel right at home with the Recipe component of the mod.
Perfect Spawn by Lumien
This mod allows map makers / server owners to set the exact spawn point of a world. You can move the spawn point to a different dimension, make it exact, allow beds in the dimension and even enable spawn protection in the new dimension.
Pet Bat by AtomicStryker
Bats are now useful pets!
Resource Loader by Lumien
This mod allows users to easily add their own resources to Minecraft.
Ruins by AtomicStryker
generates random ruins in overworld, but can be modified to work in other dimensions, biomes as well as provides templates for custom ruins generation- a work in progress for the Entropy mod pack
SecretRooms by AbrarSyed
This mod adds a variety of cool blocks that camouflage themselves to the surrounding world. All of these blocks have extremely useful functions that allow you to simply hide your diamonds, or punish all who dare try to get to them. Hidden doors, pressure plates, hidden levers and more! pay special attention to the revolutionary Ghost block. this block is visible in every way, but you can walk right through it. A fearsome trap for anyone who dares try stealing your diamonds with a floor made of this stuff over a pit of lava.
Sound Filters by Tmtrvlr
This is a client-side mod which adds some filters to sounds.

It adds 3 things right now: reverb in caves, muted sounds when underwater/in lava and, and muted sounds when the sound source is behind a wall.
Starting Inventory by bspkrs, DaftPVF
This mod gives you items and blocks each time you start a new world, just by editing a .txt file or using the convenient commands.

This mod REQUIRES bspkrsCore to be installed as well
Thermal Dynamics by Team CoFH
Thermal gets Dynamic! Adds ducts - transportation for Redstone Flux, Fluids, and Items!
Thermal Expansion by Team CoFH
Machines, Devices, Tools, a system of energy that sets standards, Fluids, and things you can throw!
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
Expanding Minecraft Thermally! This mod is required for Thermal Expansion and gives modpack makers a way to add resources to their worlds without needing to install all of the tech and other goodies that come with TE.
Tinkers Construct by mDiyo, boni, KnightMiner
Tinkers' Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever. Any world generation included in the mod is more efficient, but not required to progress.
WarpDrive by LemADEC, Cr0s, Anon1644
This mod brings Warp Drive and similar Science fiction technologies to minecraft included but not limited to resource collection (mining asteroids in space), transportation (move your team or your whole base across dimensions), and combat (fight against other ships and bases with laser cannons or other mods).
Weather, Storms & Tornadoes by Coros
Localized Weather Mod (for 1.7.10) - this can also be used for storing Tornado mod for MC 1.6.4 and earlier.
Wild Caves by Alexmania/GotoLink
This mod gives some much needed love to vanilla caves, adds stalactites, stalagmites, vines, glowing mushrooms, icicles and there's more to come.This mod is based off greyjusticar's mod which was based on Dilla's mod, hence the 3.This mod is a complete rewrite, all code is mine but I'm using the same sprites plus some new ones i made.This is a beta version, I'm hoping to get some feedback and new ideas from this but I'll be adding more content and fixing more bugs before i consider it ready for release.

Latest Update

Updated to version 019. Minechem recipe for AVP Silicon Ore added. Lava pools will no longer generate over previously explored areas. Increased monster spawn in caves and underground. Added Ovamorph spawns in cave systems.