Roanoke 7 TerraFirmaCraft updated to version 1.4
-ChunkEventHandler: Made wild crops in spring only regenerate in their specific regions
-All regular monster entities: getCanSpawnHere(): Change spawn to below 144 and above 200
-Recipes: Fixed Acacia barrel missing harware.
-Recipes: Added claymold recipe for hardware molds.
-Recipes: Fixed bugged lever recipe.
-Recipes: Hardware mold gives 2 hardware.
-BlockSluice: Drops 1 hardware when broken instead of nothing.
-TECrop: Seeds now drop from crops as they should have (greater seed yield with TFC skill). Less than 50% crop growth yield no seeds. Growth >= 50% yields 65% chance to drop one seed.
-TFCTech Hevea trees take longer to grow.
-All regular monster entities: getCanSpawnHere(): Change spawn to below 144 and above 200
-Recipes: Fixed Acacia barrel missing harware.
-Recipes: Added claymold recipe for hardware molds.
-Recipes: Fixed bugged lever recipe.
-Recipes: Hardware mold gives 2 hardware.
-BlockSluice: Drops 1 hardware when broken instead of nothing.
-TECrop: Seeds now drop from crops as they should have (greater seed yield with TFC skill). Less than 50% crop growth yield no seeds. Growth >= 50% yields 65% chance to drop one seed.
-TFCTech Hevea trees take longer to grow.