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How can i play on version 2.6.3? Nitrado only Supports this version :(
what version of minecraft is the new updtae beacuase i want to get optifine but idk which version of iptifine to get
Latest Version for 1.22.2
the head shot mechanic is really stupid you die in one shot even if you have armor on especially with skeletons its like they directly aim for your head i haven't lived a second shot from a skeleton even with armor first shot makes me blind for some reason and then the next one always kills me straight away with full health pleas fix that
That's an easy fix, go into mods from the main menu screen, search for "first aid", hit config on the bottom left corner, hit "damage system" and turn off death on head and/or body.
Now enjoy a 'slightly' less stressful experience lol
did anyone just update and lose the ability to see shaders in the options menu or just me?
hi, im pretty new here. i run a server for all my friends to play on and it usually works. we tried putting this modpack on and everything worked fluently, however, we couldnt attack each other or attack any mobs. has this happend to anyone? any suggestions? thanks in advance.
the new update is not letting me join my terns server and the update isn't there yet is it possible yhat
I can change mod version
The Links for Optifine and chromahills are outdated, at optifine the version OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_E3.jar is the current version, E4 is not found any more.
could someone please help me? :/
My minecraft always crashes when starting this! Its been like this since the new update. And I have no idea what to do! I already tried reinstalling the modpack
Did you use a Javaversion 1.8.0_191 with 64-Bit and set the Memory to at least 3GB (maybe try if 3GB works and if the game crashes after some hours of playing you can raise it to 5GB)
could someone please help me? :/
My minecraft always crashes when starting this! Its been like this since the new update. And I have no idea what to do! I already tried reinstalling the modpack
Can't start server
How do I install optifine to the modpack?
just put the optifine .jar into the mods folder.
the Jar File is a installer - it doesn't change anything to my version if i copy it to the mod folder (check "MODS" in Minecraft if optifine is loaded)
You have to run the optifine jar file, hit "extract, and put THAT jar into the mod file
Not sure why but once I start up RLCraft Its loads all the mods etc and then once it gets to a certain point is freezes and crashes.
don't have a server?
so it loads up and it runs but by the time it finishes installing all the mods, the game closes and I don't really know what to do (I have it set to 5GB of ram)
I had to install Optifine 1.12 to get rid of this problem.
My minecraft repeatedly crashes when i try to open it. Are there certain requirements for the pc to run rlCraft?
5gb of ram allocated to java which requires a 64bit operating system
I really miss Soul Sword...
we keep clicking install and nothing happens. Do we need to install on chrome
Hi, so, this modpack is pretty unplayable for me. For starters, no, I do not have a bad set up. I literally built this tower about two weeks ago. It has a Ryzen 1600, GTX 1050ti, 16 gb of RAM.
The issue started when I tried to make a server for me and my friends to play on. I run a vanilla server fairly regularly and so far have had no problems with performance, with the CPU usage usually sitting at 6-15% usage. Yet, when I play RLCraft on singleplayer, not hosting any servers, the CPU usage is at 60-90 percent and the game stutters like crazy. So, you can imagine how laggy running a server on RLCraft was.
Is there a way to fix this lag or is the mod just insanely unoptimized?
i can only change my gb to 3.5 how do i get it to 5?
By the sounds of it you probably only have 4gb total and some of the 4gb cant be used because your computer needs it so it can do its background stuff to check right click your windows icon in the bottom left and click system it will tell you how many gb of ram you have.
Guys my game keeps crashing while starting minecraft plz help