Install Tekxit 3 [Official]

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tekxit 3 [Official]) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tekxit 3 [Official] from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tekxit 3 [Official] Version 1.3

created by SlayerTheChikken on Minecraft 1.12.2

Tekxit 3 [Official] updated to version 0.87

Beep boop this is a bot.

- Redwoods for redwood biomes! The big trees are back, YES! (mods > Redwoods-1.12-1.2.0.jar)
- MemoryTester for users with too low memory allocated to play. (mods > MemoryTester-0.3.3.jar) (Client only)
- ComputerCraft-Tweaked for... computer craft? (mods > cc-tweaked-1.12.2-1.81.1.jar)

- Botania r1.10-359 > r1.10-360 (Fixes a bunch of misc bugs and speeds up NBT matching.)
- ExtraUtils2 1.9.8 > 1.9.9 (Fixes shift click crash when transfering items.)
- Mantle > (Fixes a crash with connected textures.)
- NoMoreRecipeConflict 0.12 > 0.13 (Fixes NBT support.)
- Placebo 1.5.0 > 1.5.1 (Speeds up shapeless crafting recipe searching.)
- Reliquary > (Lantern of Paranoia has been redone, options for disabling some items implemented, void tear fixed.)
- Xaero World Map 1.3.3fix > 1.3.3fix2 (Fixes some crashes.) (Client only)

- Server list changed / updated. (servers.dat)
- Fixed Xaero patreon cape causing galacticraft to freak out if on npc. (config > xaeropatreon.txt > showCapes:false)
- Edited every BattleTower floor loot table to make it not boring no more, over 25k character and around 200-300 items. (config > battletowers.cfg) (Server owners just replace!)
- Edited every RecurrentComplex loot table to make it *actually* exciting looting dungeons instead of bland vanilla loot.(structures) (Server owners just drag and drop the structures folder from the update!)
- Re-Enabled heatscar spiders that Natura had disabled. (config > natura.cfg > B:"Enable Heatscar Spiders"=true)
- Re-Enabled redwood trees that Natura had disabled. (config > natura.cfg > B:"Generate Redwood Trees"=true)
- Galacticraft aluminum wires are 80% efficient instead of 100%, this gives incentive to use energy converters or the original mods wire system. (config > Galacticraft > power-GC3.conf > I:"Loss factor ... "=80)
- Emeralds are now less rare due to the biome restriction being removed. (config > cofh > world > 00_minecraft.json > emerald section > "biome": "all") (Recommended for server owners to just replace the whole file!)
- Diamonds are now less rare and 1/2 as common as iron ore. (config > cofh > world > 00_minecraft.json > diamond section > "cluster-count": 10)
- Lapis is now less rare and 2/3 as common as iron ore. (config > cofh > world > 00_minecraft.json > lapis section > "cluster-count": 13)
- Gold is now less rare and 2/3 as common as iron ore. (config > cofh > world > 00_minecraft.json > gold section > "cluster-count": 13)
- Redstone is now less rare and 2/3 as common as iron ore. (config > cofh > world > 00_minecraft.json > redstone section > "cluster-count": 13)
- Made oregen edits retroactive. (config > cofh > world > 00_minecraft.json > all sections > "retrogen": true)
SlayerTheChikken posted a changelog update for Tekxit 3 [Official] 6 years ago


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So, um. Tinkers construct tools got bugged apon updating server files. Not sure if its just that but every thing that was great became worse in tinkers construct. Where as before a tinker weapon was stronger than a gold axe, its much worse. Thought id drop this here .-.
Posted by grayfuffdude 5 years ago

Latest Update

Tekxit 3 [Official] was updated to version 1.3