Tekxit 3.14 Pi (Official) updated to version 1.0.4
Smol yet big update, yay CQR! 0:
Mod Additions:
Mod Removals:
Mod Updates:
- Chocolate_Quest_Repoured-1.12.2-2.6.2B (Please see CQR changelogs for the mass amount of changes! https://cq-repoured.net/beta-6-0/ > https://cq-repoured.net/beta-6-1/ > https://cq-repoured.net/beta-6-2/)
- Geckolib-forge-1.12.2-3.0.11
Additional Changes:
- Deleted CQR configs, regenerated CQR configs, then reimplemented changes from previous versions. (SERVER OWNERS: Please replace the entire CQR folder then reimplement your personal changes.)
Mod Additions:
Mod Removals:
Mod Updates:
- Chocolate_Quest_Repoured-1.12.2-2.6.2B (Please see CQR changelogs for the mass amount of changes! https://cq-repoured.net/beta-6-0/ > https://cq-repoured.net/beta-6-1/ > https://cq-repoured.net/beta-6-2/)
- Geckolib-forge-1.12.2-3.0.11
Additional Changes:
- Deleted CQR configs, regenerated CQR configs, then reimplemented changes from previous versions. (SERVER OWNERS: Please replace the entire CQR folder then reimplement your personal changes.)