Install ToCosi

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (ToCosi) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select ToCosi from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

ToCosi Version 1.2.2

created by Matus9 on Minecraft 1.19.2 using Technic Solder

Version 1.2.2 - Recommended

forge by LexManos
Forge is a free, open-source modding API all of your favourite mods use!
Advancement Plaques by Grend
Replaces standard advancement toasts with fancy plaques.
Alex\'s Mobs by Alexthe668, Carro1001
New, original, engaging, and aesthetic mobs for Minecraft.
Ancient Warfare Core by shadowmage45, P3pp3rF1y
Archaelogy API by min01 & Cadentem
Backport of the 1.20 Archaelogy system\n
Adds various new powerful uncraftable items to make exploration a bit more interesting
Atmospheric by Team Abnormals
Adds two unique biome types with several variants.\n Also introduces several new types of blocks, foliage, and plants!\n There will continue to be more biomes over time!\n
AutoRegLib by Vazkii
Automatically item, block, and model registration for mods.
Balm by BlayTheNinth
Abstraction Layer (but not really)™ for Blay\'s multiplatform mods\n
Better Foliage by octarine-noise (code), Meringue (textures)
Better Third Person by Socolio
Adds independent camera rotation for third-person view
Biomes O\' Plenty by Forstride, Adubbz
Adds over 50 new biomes, blocks, and more!
Blue Skies by KingPhygieBoo, Silver_David, Lachney
Blue Skies adds two dimensions called the Everbright and the Everdawn. It includes lots of new unique features, blocks, weapons, mobs and even massive dungeons! Each dimension has its own theme, with the Everbright being very bright, snowy and cold while the Everdawn is typically darker and warm. Each of these dimensions currently has two dungeons to explore, totaling up to 4 dungeons, with more planned on the way!
Blueprint by Team Abnormals
The library mod used by all Abnormals mods. Adds support for various types of blocks, helps with registering, and adds tons of misc. utils.\n Also comes with Endimator, an animation library that supports data-driven and coded animations.\n
Bosses of Mass Destruction by CerbonXD
Adds high threat mobs for players to take on.
Bossominium by Shaywsgu
brutalbosses mod by Someaddons
brutalbosses mod\n
Castle Dungeons by Pufferfish
Procedurally generated castles.
Cataclysm Mod by L_Ender
Hello\nEnderGuardian Theme made by Ean Grimm\n\nArtist=dogulkkun,mango03034\nPatron\n[Adam,\nAngry Mutant Enderman,\ndarkMind204,\nDENOBODY2,\nHippo0824,\nprinta,\nwalker,\n참치,\n3T,\ndanimodder,\nEternalOne,\nKarat Feng,\nlucy,\nnameed,\nPeopleMcNugget,\nqwerqweqq,\nSvmf2023,\nTh3P3dr3nder99]\n
Citadel by Alexthe666
A shared code library for many of Alexthe666\'s mods. Code used from LLibrary with permission.
Cloth Config v8 API
CodeChicken Lib by ChickenBones, covers1624
CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft modding easier.\nIt contains libraries for 3D math and transformations, model rendering, packets, config, colours, asm and a few other things..\n
Collective by Rick South
Collective is a shared library with common code for all of Serilum\'s mods.
Comforts by Illusive Soulworks
Adds sleeping bags and hammocks for, respectively, portability and turning day to night, without setting new spawns.\nComes in 16 different colors!\n
Corpse by Max Henkel
This mod brings a corpse into the game.\nIt will spawn upon your death containing all items that you had in your inventory.\n
Create by simibubi
Technology that empowers the player.
Creatures and Beasts by Joosh, CGessinger, and HellionGames
Creatures and Beasts is a vanilla-style creature mod which fills each biome with new mobs, from the plains of the overworld to the void of the end!\n
Critters and Cryptids by Kerem, MCreator
Cupboard utilities by Someaddon
Cupboard mod providing utilities\n
Curios API by C4
A flexible and expandable accessory/equipment API for users and developers.\n
Distant Horizons by James Seibel, Leonardo Amato, Cola, coolGi, Ran, Leetom
This mod generates and renders simplified terrain beyond the normal view distance at a low performance cost. Allowing you to see much farther without turning your game into a slideshow.
Dungeon Crawl by xiroc
Dungeon Crawl, a spiritual successor to Roguelike Dungeons.
Dungeons Gear by the_infamous_1
This is a long form description of the mod. You can write whatever you want here\n\nHave some lorem ipsum.\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mollis lacinia magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed sagittis luctus odio eu tempus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque volutpat ligula eget lacus auctor sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc gravida elit vitae sem vehicula efficitur. Donec mattis ipsum et arcu lobortis, eleifend sagittis sem rutrum. Cras pharetra quam eget posuere fermentum. Sed id tincidunt justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.\n
Dungeons Libraries by the_infamous_1, Patrigan
Library mod for the Dungeons Suite. Brings a lot of tools for modmakers to spice up their combat.
Dungeons Mobs by the_infamous_1
Dynamic Trees by Ferreusveritas
Progressively growing trees.. forests that spread
Dynamic Trees for Biomes o\' Plenty by mangoose, Max Hyper
Compatibility Mod between Dynamic trees and Biomes o\' plenty\n
Dynamic Trees for Quark by Max Hyper
Compatibility Mod between Dynamic trees and Quark\n
Dynamic Trees for Terralith by DJS, Max Hyper
Adds Dynamic Trees Compatibility with Terralith.\n
Dynamic Trees Plus by Ferreusveritas, Max Hyper/supermassimo, Harley O'Connor
Vanilla addon for Dynamic Trees
Embeddium by embeddedt
Embeddium is a fork of Rubidium, a fork of Sodium modified to run on Forge\n
End Remastered by Team Remastered
End Remastered makes your Minecraft experience more challenging by emphasizing the adventurous side of the game.\n\n\nExploration is the main focus of End Remastered, and to reach the End and beat the Ender Dragon, you will have to find the 12 custom eyes by exploring vanilla structures and fighting vanilla bosses.\n\nOnce you have all the eyes, you have the choice to follow them until you reach an End Gate or to trade with a Cartographer to obtain a map to the End Castle.\n\nAfter reaching one of these structures, you will have to find the hidden portal room, and activate the portal by placing the 12 eyes inside the frames.\n
Ender Trigon by nonamecrackers2
Mod that enhances the Ender Dragon fight\n\nFor SB737\n
Entity Model Features by Traben
This is an expansion of the ETF mod, it adds support for OptiFine format Custom Entity Model (CEM) resource packs.\nWhile still allowing to you disable this to use a different model mod :)\n
Entity Texture Features by Traben
Adds support for resource-pack driven features for entity textures including some OptiFine features\nSupports OptiFine:\n - Random & Custom textures\n - Emissive textures\nWith more features such as:\n - Blinking textures\n - Player Skin support\",\n
Epic Fight
Fight til u dead\n
Falling Leaves by Cheaterpaul, Fourmisain, BrekiTomasson and RandomMcSomethin
How the gentle wind\n beckons through the leaves\n as autumn colors fall,\n dancing in a swirl\n of golden memories:\n the loveliest lies of all.
GeckoLib by Gecko, Eliot, AzureDoom, Chappie, DerToaster
GeckoLib is an animation engine for Minecraft Mods, with support for complex 3D keyframe-based animations, 30+ easings, concurrent animation support, sound and particle keyframes, event keyframes, and more.\n
Gothic RPG by NoCube, BlackAures
Adds creatures from Gothic series. A gift for Aures.
Grimoire of Gaia 4 by Silentine, Mrbysco
Adds mobs, monsters and monster girls.\n
Guard Villagers by TallestEgg, HadeZ/SadNya69 for the textures.
Need some help with pest control? The Guards are ready to help!\n
Ice and Fire by Alexthe666, TheBv
Dragons and other mythological creatures in minecraft.
Iceberg by Grend
A library containing events, helpers, and utilities to make modding easier.
Incendium by Starmute
Incendium ~ Nether Expansion (v5.1.6 for 1.19-1.19.3)
Integrated API by CraisinLord
Library mod for the Integrated Structures series\n
Integrated Dungeons and Structures by CraisinLord
Integrated Dungeons and Structures (aka IDAS) is a mod that adds heavily detailed structures using blocks and mobs from Quark, Biomes O’ Plenty, Alex’s Mobs, and Create.\n
Integrated Stronghold by CraisinLord
Integrated Stronghold is a mod that replaces the old and bland vanilla stronghold structure with a heavily detailed dungeon built with modded blocks from Create, Quark, and Supplementaries.\n
Just Enough Items by mezz
JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, built from the ground up for stability and performance.\n
LootBeams by amo, shiroroku(elise)
Renders highly configurable colored beams on dropped items!
Mahou Tsukai by stepsword
Monsters & Mushrooms by Aridastle
This is a long form description of the mod. You can write whatever you want here\n\nHave some lorem ipsum.\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mollis lacinia magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed sagittis luctus odio eu tempus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque volutpat ligula eget lacus auctor sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc gravida elit vitae sem vehicula efficitur. Donec mattis ipsum et arcu lobortis, eleifend sagittis sem rutrum. Cras pharetra quam eget posuere fermentum. Sed id tincidunt justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.\n
Moonlight Library by MehVahdJukaar
A small library with many cool unique features, from dynamic asset generation to dynamic villager schedules and simple multi loader utilities\n
Mowzie\'s Mobs by BobMowzie, Wadoo, Vakypanda, Noonyez, pau101
Mowzie\'s Mobs adds a variety of high-quality fantasy creatures to your Minecraft world.
Nullscape by Starmute
Nullscape ~ End Reborn (v1.2.2 for 1.19-1.19.3)
Nyf\'s Spiders 2.0 by Nyfaria
Vanilla spiders are not yet creepy enough for you? You wish spiders would ?oactually climb properly?r?!Spiders 2.0 enables spiders to walk along walls and ceilings and it also improves their AI such that they can find their way around almost any obstacle!
Oculus by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
Unofficial Fork of \"Iris\", made to work with FML\n
made it possible to cache your skins for offline use.\n
Paraglider by Tictim
BotW style Paraglider
Quark by Vazkii, WireSegal, MCVinnyq, Sully
Small things, improving Minecraft bit by bit.
Realm RPG: Creep & Crop by NoCube
Adds pumpkin monsters.
Realm RPG: Fallen Adventurers by NoCube
Adds skeletons wtih treasures around the world
Realm RPG: Imps & Demons by NoCube
Adds imps & demonic creatures.
Realm RPG: Pots & Mimics by NoCube
Adds treasure pots and mimics.
Realm RPG: Sea Dwellers by NoCube, BlackAures
Adds underwater villages and traders.
RPG-Hud by Raelzaryn
This mod changes the way the HUD is rendered and adds several new functionalities and styles (mainly RPG-like styles)\n
Serene Seasons by Adubbz, Forstride
Adds seasons with changing colors, temperature shifting, and more!
Shoulder Surfing
Changes the vanilla third person camera to an over-the-shoulder camera, as made popular by Capcom\'s \"Resident Evil 4\".\nIncludes keybindings for adjusting the camera, along with various settings in the config file.\nCode injection may fail if using mods that mess with the base files.\n
Small Ships by talhanation, metroite
This mod adds vanilla friendly ships into Minecraft!\n
SmartBrainLib by Tslat
A library mod for smarter Brains and easier usage of the Brain system.\n
Sophisticated Backpacks
Sophisticated Core
Base mod of Sophisticated mods.\n
Structure Gel API by Silver_David, KingPhygieBoo, Jonathing
An API mod to improve the developer side of structure gen
Supplementaries by MehVahdJukaar, Plantkillable
Many functional and useful Vanilla+ blocks
Tameable Beasts by ModderG
Beasts that are tamable duh\n
TerraBlender by Adubbz
A library mod for adding biomes in a simple and compatible manner with Minecraft\'s new biome/terrain system.
Terralith by Starmute
Terralith ~ Overworld Evolved (v2.3.12 for 1.19-1.19.3)
The Graveyard by Finallion
The Graveyard adds new structures, bosses, mobs and blocks to your minecraft world, themed around the graveyard!\n
The Lost Castle by Team Remastered
The Lost Castle introduces an enormous castle that you\'ll be able to find with the help of a map given by a journeyman cartographer.\n
The Twilight Forest by Benimatic, AtomicBlom, Drullkus, Killer_Demon, quadraxis, Tamaized, williewillus, Andromander, GizmoTheMoonPig, Jodlodi
An enchanted forest dimension.
Tool Belt by gigaherz
Declutter your inventory of tools\n
ToroHealth by ToroCraft
Health bars will appear in the top left corner for the entity in the player\'s crosshairs.\n
Tslat Effects Lib (TEL) by Tslat
A library mod for better mob effects\n
Upgrade Aquatic by Team Abnormals
Expands upon Update Aquatic and aquatic life as a whole with new enemies, sea creatures, and building blocks.\n
Valhelsia Core by Valhelsia Team
Valhelsia Core is an API for our different mods.
Valhelsia Furniture by Love, Cheese and small house plants
This is a long form description of the mod. You can write whatever you want here\n\nHave some lorem ipsum.\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mollis lacinia magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed sagittis luctus odio eu tempus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque volutpat ligula eget lacus auctor sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc gravida elit vitae sem vehicula efficitur. Donec mattis ipsum et arcu lobortis, eleifend sagittis sem rutrum. Cras pharetra quam eget posuere fermentum. Sed id tincidunt justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.\n
Valhelsia Structures by Valhelsia Team
Valhelsia Structures is mod that generates new structures such as abandoned buildings and dungeons.\n
Villager Names by Rick South
Gives all villagers and villager-like entities their own name.
Waystones by BlayTheNinth
Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.\n
Weapons of Minecraft by Reascer
\"Behold the Weapons of the minecraft world...\"\nA minecraft mod that add more special weapons to your Epicfight mod.\n
When Dungeons Arise by Aurelj, DiamondTown and Zephyrusj
Elegant - and likely dangerous - structures and roguelike dungeons to lose yourself in...\n
When Dungeons Arise: Seven Seas by Zephyrusj, Aurelj
Elegant - and likely dangerous - vessels lost in the seven seas...\n
Xaero\'s Map - Waystones Compability by precisemodpacker
Add compability between Xaero\'s World Map & Minimap with Waystones mod creating Waypoints when a Waystone is activated.\n
Xaero\'s Minimap by Xaero96
The most vanilla-looking minimap for Minecraft.
Xaero\'s World Map by Xaero96
A self-writing fullscreen map which also works as an add-on to Xaero\'s Minimap.
API Library for YUNG\'s minecraft mods.
YUNG\'s Better Dungeons by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
A complete redesign of Minecraft\'s dungeons
YUNG\'s Better Mineshafts by YUNGNICKYOUNG
The long-awaited and much-needed abandoned mineshaft overhaul!
YUNG\'s Better Strongholds by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
A complete redesign of Minecraft\'s strongholds
Adds naturally occurring bridges throughout the world!
YUNG\'s Extras by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
Extra structures and vanilla+ content added throughout the game