PiGaming Version inspired from various modpacks
Minimum Requirement: 5GB RAM Assigned to Minecraft
Recommendet: 10GB RAM Assigned to Minecraft
We Support the Following Texture Packs: Soatex: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/soartex-fanver-modded
This modpack contains the following mods:
- railcraft
- AdditionalBanners
- Advanced Machines
- Advanced Solar Panels
- advmachinespatch
- advsolarpatch
- AE2WTLib
- JourneyMap
- AppleCore-mc
- AppleSkin-mc
- appliedenergistics2
- AquaAcrobatics
- architecturecraft
- AttributeFix
- AutoRegLib
- BattleTowers
- Baubles
- bdlib
- beebetteratbees
- BetterPingDisplay
- BiblioCraft
- binnie-mods
- BiomesOPlenty
- Blur
- Bookshelf
- BowInfinityFix
- buildcraft-builders
- buildcraft-core
- buildcraft-factory
- buildcraft-rf
- cc-tweaked
- chickens
- Chisel
- chiselsandbits
- ChunkAnimator
- ClientTweaks
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFHCore
- CoFHWorld
- Controlling
- CustomLoadingScreen
- CustomMainMenu
- CustomMobSpawner
- DrZharks-MoCreatures-Mod
- DynamicSurroundings
- EnchantingTable
- EnchantmentDescriptions
- EnderCore
- EnderIO-base
- EnderIO-conduits
- EnderStorage
- EntityCulling
- extrautils2
- FastWorkbench
- Fermion
- foamfix
- forestry
- Forgelin
- ForgeMultipart
- FTBBackups
- FTBLib
- FTBUtilities
- gendustry
- gendustryjei
- Gravitation Suite
- gregtech-energy-api
- gregtech-sources
- gregtech
- GregtechEnergistics
- gtce-inventory
- hgp
- Hwyl
- ImprovedBackpacks
- industrialcraft
- industrialforegoing
- ironchest
- jeibees
- jei
- just-enough-harvestcraft
- JustEnoughEnergistics
- JustEnoughResources
- llibrary
- Mantle
- mcjtylib
- Mekanism
- MekanismGenerators
- MekanismTools
- MixinBootstrap
- ModernLights
- morechickens
- MouseTweaks
- movingworld
- MrTJPCore
- Netherending-Ores
- NetherPortalFix
- NotEnoughIDs
- NuclearCraft
- OpenBlocks
- OpenModsLib
- OreLib
- p455w0rdslib
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- parry-1.0-hotfix
- phosphor-forge-mc
- pollutantpump
- portality
- PotionCore
- ProjectRed
- ProjectRed
- Quark
- railcraft
- reauth
- RedstoneFlux
- ResourceLoader
- rftools
- rftoolsctrl
- rftoolsdim
- RoguelikeDungeons
- roost
- Shadows_of_Greg
- Sledgehammer
- SoulShardsRespawn
- supersoundmuffler-revived
- TConstruct
- Tesla
- tesla-core-lib
- tesseract
- ThermalExpansion
- ThermalFoundation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Tips
- tombstone
- ToolBelt
- UniDict
- unloader
- Voice+Chat+Reloaded
- WanionLib
- Waystones
- WearableBackpacks
- WirelessCraftingTerminal
- WirelessFluidTerminal
- WirelessInterfaceTerminal
- WirelessPatternTerminal
- bspkrsCore-universa
- TreeCapitator
- Custom Window Title
- jeiintegration
- Clumps
- OptiFine
- Translocators
- Inventory Pets
- Mystical Agradditions
- Mystical Agriculture
- Cucumber
- IvToolkit
- RecurrentComplex
- MineTweakerRecipeMaker
- CraftTweaker2
- Recipe for Tin Wire