Install Viper-Craft Galaxy

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Viper-Craft Galaxy) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Viper-Craft Galaxy from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Viper-Craft Galaxy Version 1.7

created by ViperZeroOne on Minecraft 1.7.10

Viper-Craft Galaxy updated to version 1.6.0

This update is fairly huge, larger than I thought it was going to be, and so a new VCG version (1.6) has been issued. Below are the changes that took place in this mod, but first...

Some mod authors now require source libraries, which were once included as part of their main mods, and as such these new libraries will be listed in the "updated mods" category. They may not appear immediately on the "permissions" page, however permissions for the use of all new libraries were granted.

This update has been tested with an existing VCG 1.5.0 world and has been found to not cause problems. That said, we can not guarentee this update won't damage already existing worlds. It's STRONGLY suggested you save your existing worlds before updating!


- Forge (


- AE2 stuff
- AgriCraft
- Another One Bites The Dust
- Aroma1997 Core
- BDLib
- BiblioCraft
- Big Reactors
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- Brandon's Core
- Buildcraft
- Carpenter's Blocks
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel 2
- Code Chicken Core
- CoFH Core
- ComputerCraft
- DecoCraft
- Dense Ores
- Doggy Style
- Draconic Evolution
- Ender Core
- Ender IO
- Ender Storage
- Ender Tech
- Ender Zoo
- ExtraTiC
- Extra Utilities
- Fast Leaf Decay
- Forestry
- Gendustry
- IC2 Nuclear Control
- iChunUtil
- Immersive Engineering
- Industrial Craft 2
- Inpure Core
- Inventory Tweaks
- IronChest
- Jabba
- Logistics Pipes
- Magic Bees
- Mantle
- McJtyLib
- MineTweaker 3
- Morpheus
- NEI Addons
- NEI Integration
- Nether Ores
- Not Enough Items
- Not Enough Keys
- Not Enough Resources
- OpenBlocks
- OpenModsLib
- OpenPeripherals
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- PortalGun
- Progressive Automation
- Project Red - Base
- Project Red - Compat
- Project Red - Integration
- Project Red - Lighting
- Project Red - Mechanical
- Project Red - World
- RaxixCore
- Railcraft
- Redstone Arsenal
- RFTools
- RFWindmill
- Roguelike Dungeons
- Simply Jetpacks
- Solar Expansion - Basic
- Storage Drawers
- Super Crafting Frame
- TConstruct
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- TiC Tooltips
- TMechworks
- What Are We Looking At
- Witchery

MODS REMOVED (and why)

- Biblio Woods (redundant files)
- BinnieMods (No longer updated - Dead Mod)
- Decoration Megapack (Incompatible with new Forge)
- GraviSuite (No longer updated - Dead Mod)
ViperZeroOne posted a changelog update for Viper-Craft Galaxy 9 years ago


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Latest Update

Hopefully everyone is enjoying this mod pack! Just a reminder we're continuing work on VCG2, check it out!