Install Viper-Craft Galaxy

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Viper-Craft Galaxy) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Viper-Craft Galaxy from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Viper-Craft Galaxy Version 1.7

created by ViperZeroOne on Minecraft 1.7.10

Viper-Craft Galaxy updated to version 1.6.6

There were several recipe changes in this patch to fix issues players were having. Those changes were as follows.

- Metal Block to Diamond, via exchange orb, now gives only 2 diamonds.
- Lapis Shard recipe now requires a specified recipe.
- Lapis Nugget recipe now requires a specified recipe.


The shapeless Lapis Nugget recipe from inventory pets overwrote the shapeless Lapis Shard recipe from Solar Expansion. As such, you could not build solar panels from the Solar Expansion mod. To remedy this situation we removed both shapeless recipes and created a shaped recipe for each. The recipes still require the same material, but placed a certain way in the crafting table. You can find the new recipes by looking them up in the inventory NEI search.

The custom recipes we added to allow the conversion of Railcraft metal blocks into Diamonds introduced an exploit when ProjectE was reintroduced to the mod pack. This exploit allowed players to convert blocks into diamonds for extra EMC. The process was as followed;

- Save a Tin Block to a transmutation table.
- Create Tin Blocks from the transmutation table.
- Convert the Tin Blocks to Diamonds using the exchange orb.
- Put the Diamonds back into the transmutation table.
- Repeat

Each time this process was done, the individual would gain an additional percentage in EMC. As an example, for 1 stack of Tin Blocks you would make over 200 thousand extra EMC once they were returned to the table as diamonds. To correct this we adjusted all 4 of the metal-to-diamond recipes to give only 2 diamonds instead of Tin giving 3 and Aluminum giving 4. While still unbalanced where EMC is concerned, this will remove the exploit.
ViperZeroOne posted a changelog update for Viper-Craft Galaxy 9 years ago


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Latest Update

Hopefully everyone is enjoying this mod pack! Just a reminder we're continuing work on VCG2, check it out!