YaoPack updated to version 3.4.2
Yao Pack 3.4.2 Changelog:
+ Added new mod "Immersive Railroading" (A whole new transport system!)
+ Added new mod "InventoryPets" (Cool pets in your inventory that can give you buffs or special effects!)
* The default tutorial world has been expanded further!
* Fixed a crash that occured for some players on server caused by ThaumCraft not being updated.
* Fixed compatibility issues between ThaumCraft and several other mods.
* Changed the layout on the title screen to display correctly in windowed mode.
* Fixed an issue where the game would hang on the last loading screen before the title screen.
- Removed ThaumCraft (For reasons stated above)
Thanks for playing Yao Pack! Feel free to join our Discord server for discussions and announcements regarding the pack here: https://discord.gg/5ZDYvfUA
Yao Pack 3.4.2 Changelog:
+ Added new mod "Immersive Railroading" (A whole new transport system!)
+ Added new mod "InventoryPets" (Cool pets in your inventory that can give you buffs or special effects!)
* The default tutorial world has been expanded further!
* Fixed a crash that occured for some players on server caused by ThaumCraft not being updated.
* Fixed compatibility issues between ThaumCraft and several other mods.
* Changed the layout on the title screen to display correctly in windowed mode.
* Fixed an issue where the game would hang on the last loading screen before the title screen.
- Removed ThaumCraft (For reasons stated above)
Thanks for playing Yao Pack! Feel free to join our Discord server for discussions and announcements regarding the pack here: https://discord.gg/5ZDYvfUA