ZUCC INC's SpaceBased Modpack updated to version 1.3
remove morphs (laggy and ass)
chunklimitor remove
icbin-icbm replaced with icbm Classic
added MysticalAgradditions
Added Flux
added cyclic
biome bundle(congfig with biome o'plenty)
-open terrain generator
entity culling(new version)
remove hat(fuck that)
remove open computers
-remove open screens
-actually computer
-open computers sensors(ocsensors)
-tinker construct open computer driver (tinkers soc)
remove sgcraft(stargate cringe)
remove project red(several files)
remove binnie mods
remove steve carts
add particle culling
remove magic bees
remove chizel bits mod(goofy ahh mod)
add updated surge(check dm lol)
*smol mod changes*
remove cooking for blockheads
remove customstuff4
icbin-icbm replaced with icbm Classic
added MysticalAgradditions
Added Flux
added cyclic
added better biome blend
added particle culling
added performant
chunklimitor remove
icbin-icbm replaced with icbm Classic
added MysticalAgradditions
Added Flux
added cyclic
biome bundle(congfig with biome o'plenty)
-open terrain generator
entity culling(new version)
remove hat(fuck that)
remove open computers
-remove open screens
-actually computer
-open computers sensors(ocsensors)
-tinker construct open computer driver (tinkers soc)
remove sgcraft(stargate cringe)
remove project red(several files)
remove binnie mods
remove steve carts
add particle culling
remove magic bees
remove chizel bits mod(goofy ahh mod)
add updated surge(check dm lol)
*smol mod changes*
remove cooking for blockheads
remove customstuff4
icbin-icbm replaced with icbm Classic
added MysticalAgradditions
Added Flux
added cyclic
added better biome blend
added particle culling
added performant