Install The 1.7.10 Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The 1.7.10 Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The 1.7.10 Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The 1.7.10 Pack Version 0.10.15

created by xJon on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
Thank you to all who have donated and supported the modpack's development. Recently we found that there is an issue with the donor capes on our end. It should be fixed within a couple of days so you could all show them off again!
xJon posted a status update for The 1.7.10 Pack 6 years ago


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Hi can you please add a mod to convert Energy types like Energy Bridge. Would like to not have to make 12 different types of reactors and energy storage, thanks.
Posted by mx_81_dragon 5 years ago
You can use Mekanism universal cables.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago
How many is the norm?
Posted by MatthewMahgrefteh 5 years ago
I cant build gear from bc, they show up in the crafting station but when I try picking them out it doesn't work. it works in singleplayer but not in multiplayer
Posted by jh6 5 years ago
You have to make sure you're running the server correctly, running it using the LaunchServer.bat file.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago
If you're palying on a server you or a friend is hosting, you may want to check that the mod is installed properly and etc, as i had the same issue, but by reinstalling the modpack onto the server it seemed to work!
Posted by Hypnosified 5 years ago
Would you be adding anymore mods? Like astral sorcery!?
Posted by zandolando 5 years ago
When i try to run the server it just crashes...... it loads all the mods then the java app closes on its own...
Posted by bubbamack1 5 years ago
Hey can you add ExtraTic? It just allows for more and better tinkers construct weapons to be made!! thank you ^~^
Posted by whiteflame 5 years ago
Hello can you add the draconic evolution mod, its a super interesting mod that can add some wonderful things to the modpack.
Posted by raytheend 5 years ago
Hi! I am running a server for my friends and I like to play with plugins. The issue, however, is that there is a conflict with Thermos (an old craft bukkit fork) and a mod in the server files called "colored chat". When you have these running together, the server kicks anyone who types anything in chat, but the problem is solved when the mod is removed. I don't know if there is a reason to have the colored chat mod in the server mod files, but I figured I should let you know. Thanks for the awesome pack!
Posted by greenincc 5 years ago
Hi! I am running a server for my friends and I like to play with plugins. The issue, however, is that there is a conflict with Thermos (an old craft bukkit fork) and a mod in the server files called "colored chat". When you have these running together, the server kicks anyone who types anything in chat, but the problem is solved when the mod is removed. I don't know if there is a reason to have the colored chat mod in the server mod files, but I figured I should let you know. Thanks for the awesome pack!
Posted by greenincc 5 years ago
Hi! I am running a server for my friends and I like to play with plugins. The issue, however, is that there is a conflict with Thermos (an old craft bukkit fork) and a mod in the server files called "colored chat". When you have these running together, the server kicks anyone who types anything in chat, but the problem is solved when the mod is removed. I don't know if there is a reason to have the colored chat mod in the server mod files, but I figured I should let you know. Thanks for the awesome pack!
Posted by greenincc 5 years ago
does any one know what mod it is that adds those fortresses into this mod pack? they look like huge villages surrounded by stone brick walls. they also have smelters from Tconstruct pre generated in them along with grave yards.
Posted by filap5 5 years ago
Hi! Hi It's me can you add The Advent Of Ascension mod i really appreciate if you add that mod to your wonderful modpack and it contains 4 more pages in to minecraft.
Posted by SimpleDishes 5 years ago
ME controller is disabled? How do we fix?
Posted by Blantisulator 5 years ago
Could you add Archimedes Airships to the modpack
Posted by Jack_McCorrmack 5 years ago
Hay nice mod pack and all but could u fix the resourcepacks because they an't loading or to be more accurate the sphax pach isn't working. I have 11G in the game so it isn't lac of ram and it will take me a good few hours to found out what mod is breaking it if its a mod at all.
Posted by AAddictedGGamer 5 years ago

Latest Update

The 1.7.10 Pack was updated to version 0.10.15