Install TechDiff

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (TechDiff) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select TechDiff from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

TechDiff Version B3b

created by DangerBlade on Minecraft 1.7.10
I wanna hear your thoughts on one of the most controversial mods in Minecraft history, Gregtech.
DangerBlade posted a status update for TechDiff 10 years ago


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I have few questions: Will it break worlds? What that config changing actually means? I'd like to see Gregtech if it will not break something
Posted by MrHyperion 10 years ago
Since Gregtech's such a big mod, it'd be hard to implement it without breaking something, but since this pack's in Alpha, that's a risk we might have to take. If enough people vote for it, I'll see what I can do and if I can avoid world breakage.
Posted by DangerBlade 10 years ago
The mod itself, I would explore, at least once. It has a loyal following, and adds what many consider to be considerable challenge. In general, is considered well written. There is only one problem - and its a killer. Literally, if you were a server in the past. Greg added malicious code some time ago - it was removed, but he added it. He then acknowledged it, and claimed it was not malicious. I don't care what anyone says, any code that intentionally crashes Minecraft if another mod (Tinker's Construct, in this case) is installed is malicious in my book. Any mod author that would even consider such action is not going to have his code on my computer, ever. Once trust is lost in this manner, its gone.
Posted by Thenrin 10 years ago
I only recently realised how much GregTech has changed within recent times. I've decided not to add GregTech due to the added PC power it requires to load all of his useless blocks and items, the malicious code he has written in the past, the sheer difficulty it forces upon other mods as well as the original vanilla game and its 'off the grid' IC2 power system. I decided to add IC2 for the addon 'Nuclear Control' so we could get the cool looking panels, not so we could have two separate power systems.
Posted by DangerBlade 10 years ago

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1K Downloads? 4K Runs??? I can't thank all you guys enough. Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH for playing TechDiff!