Install 00124

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (00124) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select 00124 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

00124 Version 7.9.3

created by Yurupee on Minecraft 1.6.4

00124 updated to version 4.3

-##- Changed output of dragon egg dust recipe to 15 from 16
-##- Changed Slime Ball force transmutation to use two mats (blue, pink, glue, blood) (14359, 25722, 14276:36, 14359:1) instead of one
-##- Fixed saturation of witch finger from 13 to 1 and cooked mushroom (red and brown) from 6 to 3
-##- Changed the description of Magnetic Force to be shorter
-##- Changed the recipe for Treasure Core(6307:132), Advanced Enchantment Table(3050), Enchantment Table Upgrade(10461) to use Touchstone of Midas(27537) instead of Golden Apple(322:1)
-##- Changed the sound when picking up minium essence
-##- Fixed Destruction Catalyst recipe not working with a charged touchstone of midas
-##- Fixed Ender Pearl Block(2921:0) to Ender Pearl(368) recipe
-##- Changed recipe of fortune cookie(6266) to use cookie(357) paper(339) ruby(9281:37) peridot(9281:39) sapphire(9281:38) lapis lazuli dust(30066:12)
-##- Fixed Ice Stairs not being craftable
-##- Fixed Chisel UI, had a rogue pixel on the bottom left and top right
-##- Removed crafting recipe for Ghost Amulet, create it by throwing emerald, string, and end powder in ender goo
-##- Fixed Mekanism enchantability
-##- Changed recipes of mekanism universal cables
-##- Enable saltpeter and sulfur ore generation
Yurupee posted a changelog update for 00124 5 years ago


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Latest Update

00124 was updated to version 7.9.3