Install 7 DayZ to Mine

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (7 DayZ to Mine) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select 7 DayZ to Mine from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

7 DayZ to Mine Version 1.0.2c

created by glixyl on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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There's an issue with the entity while you try to use a multiplayer server. The console continue to say that he is skipping the entity ID. Please try to Fix it, it would be nice, good modpack.
Dranlake 9 years ago
This should be fixed in the new version PR4, but old maps with ruins such as the camp site with the neutral boss named Twitch will still give this message. As PR4 is primarily an exploration and content release, explore new chunks to see all the good stuff. Thanks for the feedback!
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
HEy i wonder, where do i have to look to find a mutant lab and vaults??
dinosaurgutt 9 years ago
plains biomes have the best chance for locating larger structures. the new update coming later this week has some new stuff coming too.
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
waht does a vault looks like? do you have any pics? is a vault a bunker with black walls that you find next to a stairs made of logs? do you have a pic of a mutant lab? what does the entrance of a mutant lab looks like? is it chests there?
Posted by dinosaurgutt 9 years ago
The particular vault I am speaking of is a maze under a cemetery that has a mutant skeleton boss at the end of it and a treasure room. In the new release, there is a western style saloon with marauders on horseback and a bartender wielding a kitchen knife. I customized dozes of encounters if you explore around a lot. Also the police and fire station were redone to be much cooler. Good luck exploring!
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
The next release will be the weekend of December 11th. PR4 will bring more chests with more guns and ammo, many new boss encounters and locations! Some surprises up my sleeves as well. Check out this samurai boss encounter video
glixyl 9 years ago
please follow me on Twitter @glixyl if you want to see day to day progress on the mod pack, images and polls related to the direction of Seven DayZ to Mine. Let your voice be heard! Also if you are interested in generating custom content such as structures, mazes, boss monsters or more- contact me here on @glixyl on Twitter thanks!
glixyl 9 years ago
Would it be possible to increase the regularity that loot spawns, and the amount it spawns in, as at the moment, finding loot is quite a task, and even if you do find chests, it's usually just props, and not useful gear. This would be a great change
techno shark 9 years ago
yes it is possible and I will take that as feedback and weight loot heavier with the next release. also I notice I am using more memory than before so tracking that down. thanks this is the kind of feedback I like!
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
As a follow-up, the next release will both have more chests and a better chance for guns and ammo to spawn within them as well as adding more ammo and gun types to the loot configurations.
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
This is a good mod! But can you add the Tornado mod to make it funner? Also, what bosses are there other than the ender dragon?
TreesmasherFTW 9 years ago
There is a mutant laboratory with a boss zombie, a police station with a crime boss, a fire station with a fire chief, an underground vault with a skeleton boss and many other special encounters. If you like tornadoes and aliens, try my cult classic pack called Glixyl's Entropy.
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
I will check it out!
Posted by TreesmasherFTW 9 years ago
can you plz just add a camping mod no one wants to on any other servers or modpacks it would make this one inique
blaster550714 9 years ago
um it says there is an update but it wont update it launches the game the updte 666pr3 wont update please fix it don't even aknowledge it and I have reinstalled itlz fix if possible
blaster550714 9 years ago
Hey again glixy, I was on your server when it reset..... do you have any info of when it will be back?
Demyyy 9 years ago
working on it now actually. I am switching to new server technology and am trying to implement a full town system this time; instead of the clan system I was using before. should be a couple more weeks, but know I am focused on it now
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Would small version of MC Heli be an option. Flans is good, but the control scheme and interface for MC Heli is so much better.
techno shark 9 years ago
I don't know of a way to protect servers from the MC Heli vehicles and weapons.. do you perhaps?
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
The rockets from the vehicles only blow up glass and grass as far as I know, and how is it protected from the Flans weapons?
Posted by techno shark 9 years ago
7 DayZ to Mine has been updated to version 666PR3 •Added *more* interesting and themed content to the world generation such as fortresses, mutant lab, police station, fire station and dozens more locations. •Added Forge based server tools with commands such as /home and /back as well as automated backups (needs configuring). Visit •Update all the mods to their latest and most stable code. •Added splash screen and new Seven DayZ to Mine logo and Technic artwork •Continued to modify existing ruins, wall and cities so that they are more theme appropriate and dangerous. •Updated mods to their latest and most stable code. •Polish up the gaming menus, interfaces and guides to be more clean and sharp. •Beware console spam for this version while I prepare to re-release the pack. Please report bugs to @glixyl •Polish up the gaming menus, interfaces and guides to be more clean and sharp.
glixyl 9 years ago
does anyone know how i play the server
robotboywolf2 9 years ago
hey robotboywolf2 I don't have the public server online yet. still working on PR3 update. I give almost daily updates @glixyl on Twitter.
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
I love this modpack but ever since the latest update this mod is all choppy and doesn't run properly on my computer with a ton of fps lag even on Lite but on the old version i used ultra with the best shader and it was lag free. i really want to be able to play this modpack but it won't run properly other thing i think if you implemented factions that would make this totally bad ass by the way
PeekingEmu 9 years ago
The mod pack is Awesome. but while using the standard version and picking up an gun my Minecraft crashes. It doesn't really matter for me cuz I use the ultra version, but I'm just letting you know :3 If you wan't more information just text me back :]
Sorethox 9 years ago
Thanks for the feedback and glad that you like it. I tried to reproduce the gun error on my son's computer using Standard version and didn't crash for me. If it happens again, maybe give me a link to a pastebin or something for the crash log. Thanks!
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Status update: I continue to make progress on the PR3 (public release 3) for 7 DayZ to Mine. I am adding boss monster spawns and improving town construction. Please let me know any feedback ASAP or bugs you know about so that I can address them. Once PR3 is released, we will get a public server going.
glixyl 9 years ago
Can you add custom NPC's Thanks
rashard101 9 years ago
hey a lot of people ask for this mod. you are looking to make maps with it?
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
glixly PLEASE i beg u make it so people can turtle ur stuff on the new server! i donated and ended up quitting because of that ;/ but do i still keep my claim land from donating????? ign faithsangel this pack and ur server is amazing
feefee9567 9 years ago
if it is just the spawn that we are waiting on can i please build one for you? im extremely advanced in using world edit and i could have you a decent spawn built in less than 30 mins
Demyyy 9 years ago
hey dude im pretty upset that you're gonna do a mapwipe, i spent 6 hours straight....mining and i literally just made my pickaxe when you closed the server, Would it be possible for me to get it back? Also, remove the price of /spawn and can you add more things to sell in the shop
Demyyy 9 years ago
It will take us a bit to get the new server spawn ready, but for now please enjoy single player and the downloadable server. I will be making some minor changes to the pack over the next week to address any bugs or improvements needed. Those who have donated to the public server will keep their ranks. CHANGES: •Polish up the gaming menus, interfaces and guides to be more clean and sharp. •Update all the mods to their latest and most stable code. •Add interesting and themed content to the world generation such as special zombie spawners and modded blocks to city generation. Modify existing ruins, wall and cities so that they are more theme appropriate and dangerous. •Populate all the walls, towers and structures of the world with chances to find guns, ammo and household items. •Items found in chests can be salvaged down to more basic components using a crafting table, such as salvaging a wine rack to get wooden planks or a fish bowl into a glass bottle. Also decorative items can be used as fuel in a furnace if you have duplicates or just want to get rid of clutter. •Better performance on slower computers and better compatibility on Macs. •Remove physics which was causing issues with world generation and replace with an air quality mechanic that makes underground and nether exploration more challenging. Also using the new enviromine code with much better hypothermia, heat stroke and other effects than the old version.
glixyl 9 years ago
glixly PLEASE i beg u make it so people can turtle ur stuff on the new server! i donated and ended up quitting because of that ;/ but do i still keep my claim land from donating?????
Posted by feefee9567 9 years ago

Latest Update

Fixed a problem with new installs. Select "reinstall pack" from options if you are having problems with new installations of 7 DayZ to Mine