Install Acient

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Acient) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Acient from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Acient Version 0.4

created by JithuJilladi on Minecraft 1.12.2

The server is currently in closed beta and will be released to the public when version 1.0 is released!

Are you looking for a fun server to play Modded Minecraft on? Do you want to be apart of a fun community? Well you're at the right place!

The Acient Modpack is a modpack centered around Ancient Warfare 2, AW2. AW2 really grew from its beginning roots and added many new features, structures, and became what some may call a Hub mod. Though it grew a lot, there aren't a lot of Minecraft modpacks that really show AW2 in its entirety let alone any Minecraft servers until now!

In Acient, you can create clans of AW2 towns with other people and raid other clans with AW2. With Ice & Fire, you can encounter dragons and sea serpants throughout journey and tame dragons for exploration. Electroblob's Wizardry and the addon Extra Spells, allows you to become a master magician and defeat your foes with advanced spells! Become a vampire with the Vampirism mod and use the Vamparasols to help protect you from the sun! Scratch your explorer's itch with Explorercraft.

There are two versions: one with both custom music and vanilla music (~200mb more) and one with just vanilla music. I recommend that former for the best playing experience but if you have a slow network connection, use the latter.

If you have a clan, you can build your AW2 village and add players to it and become a "nation". Raid groups or other clans can team up and raid another clan. When they're rallied together, you choose a clan to target. For a raid group for a specific raid, anyone can join as long as they are not apart of the target clan. Normal block protection in claimed land usually cannot be broken or accessed by outsiders but during a raid is different.

As stated on the raid mod's forum page:

Broken blocks do not drop as items, placed blocks will not be permanent, and everyone in the raiding party can build, break blocks, and attack players and their pets on the target clan's land. At the end of a raid, all broken blocks on the clan's territory are restored to how they were before the raid, and blocks placed during the raid disappear from clan territory so they can be collected by their owners using /raid collect. This rollback can be disabled in the config. By default, chests, furnaces, and other machines cannot be broken during the raid, and raiders cannot access their contents. However, raiders can kill the clan's animals and trample their crops, which do not get restored after the raid. Upon winning a raid, a configurable amount of in-game currency is taken from the clan's account and divided among the raiders. If the raiders lose the raid, the raid creation fee is deposited to the clan's account.

Visit the official Acient website for more information by clicking on this link here.

Mod List is on the Acient CurseForge.

Latest Update

Acient was updated to version 0.4